Hi, I am the one and only Lady A.
I know a lot of you have heard of me but know little to nothing about me.
- I am currently a sophomore in high school.
- I am on the varsity lacrosse team, and enjoy arts and crafts.
- I guess the gift of being crafty was passed down to me by my mom.
- I look at everything with a different perspective than other people. They might just see a piece of fabric and I see, woah that’s super cute and I can totally use that to make a, for example, wallet.
- I am also really into design. I love to make croquis and sketches. This is partly because when I was little I was, and still am, obsessed with Project Runway. For my birthday or christmas or whenever I could get a gift I always would ask for a Project Runway kit. Tim Gunn was, and still is, an inspiration. He would always say to the contestants, “Make it work!”. My mom and I would always joke around when something didn’t work out for us we’d say, “Make it work!”. And then afterward we’d always have a good laugh about it.
- Now just like any other teenage girl, I love my magazines. My parents were nice enough to get me a subscription to Marie Claire so that I receive their monthly issues. (Thanks Mom and Dad!) What they didn’t know was that every time I got a new magazine I tear out the pages of the things that I liked or was inspired about (sorry magazine lovers for tearing out your precious pages). So I dedicated a wall in my closet to be my “inspiration wall”. It has now grown to be my “inspiration closet” because of all the things that I have hung up. (You can work wonders with a little scotch tape.) Not only do I put up magazine pages but I also hang up my designs and little things that inspire me as a designer (and as a person of great taste and fashion expertise.) Thankfully mom is down with this whole “redecorating and putting stuff on my walls thing” I have going on in my closet. (Sneaky me I haven’t showed dad for the fear of him making me take it down.)
And that’s me! Hope you liked getting the inside scoop from me, Lady A.
~Lady A
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