Do you know about Craftsy? The site that is not only a place to learn all about all things crafts but a place where indie pattern makers (like me) can showcase their work. (full disclosure: I am not only an artist on Craftsy but I am also an affiliate.)
What is Craftsy?
Craftsy is a worldwide craft community offering online classes of every kind! It also has a pattern marketplace where independent designers (like me) can sell their patterns. It also has a shop where you can purchase all kinds of supplies. But one of my favorite parts is the projects section. That is where members can share pictures of their latest projects. Currently, there are over two million members – WOW! Craftsy really has something to offer just about everyone. Categories range from quilting, sewing, knitting, painting, photography to cooking and much more.
Why should you take a class online?
Online education isn’t just for schools and universities anymore. Craftsy courses provide you with the convenience of a world-class instructor in your home, whenever you want to learn. Truth be told, there are Ah-Maz-Ing instructors on Craftsy. Many who I have personally met! Heck, I’m even hanging with a few this weekend at Quilt Market!
So, if you’re looking to expand your sewing or crafting skills with some fantastic instructors, I suggest checking out the wide selection of classes. This alternative method of learning is perfect for every lifestyle and any busy schedule. Even those that just don’t want to leave the house. (insert pj day here) You can watch the classes over and over as needed at all hours of the day/night.
Right now they are offering a TON of free classes in all areas. Here is a direct link to the quilting and sewing categories.
Plus, don’t forget to check out the indie pattern making section. You will find designers of all kinds….. even me. Plus, I just released a new pattern that is perfect for scrap busting and gift giving! Double Bonus!
Hello! Are you new to The Sewing Loft?
If so, I’m glad you stopped by and hope that something has inspired you to keep your needle moving! Don’t miss a single project and subscribe via email HERE! Bonus- free embroidery pattern with newsletter sign up.
Another great way to connect with me is via Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google + or Follow my blog with Bloglovin. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and creating together!
Comments & Reviews
I have a terrible time with the craftsy search tool. I’ve tried it several times in the past month or two and it seems pretty worthless. I haven’t figured out how to access more than that.
I used to struggle with the search tool on Craftsy as well Debbie. But they have made some major improvements. I just look under the specific category now to find things that I am looking for.
Hope that helps!