It’s officially the new year and reality has hit, it’s time to dig in and organize. This task is something that I dread! I seem to collect stuff like mad with the thought process that eventually I will use it. Does that sound familiar? Well, if so, just know that you are not alone. This year, I am determined to pair down and find a few creative storage solutions that actually work for me. Not just in the perfect world of a magazine spread but in my real life.
This is where the power of Pinterest comes into play. Thank goodness for this virtual pin board otherwise my desk would be cluttered in torn magazine pages, post it notes and loose pieces of paper. (okay, don’t kid yourself, it’s still cluttered!)
Do you have a creative storage solution for your home or craft space? Leave me a link in the comment section and I will be sure to add it to my board!
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Comments & Reviews
I hang my ironing board using curtain rod attachments
That is a great idea Carrie!