I am super excited to share that my girls and I were invited to join the fun at Sew, Mama, Sew this summer. That’s right, Sew, Mama, Sew is hosting FunStitch Studio Summer Camp and I have been acting as a camp counselor.
FunStitch Studio is a children’s book imprint from C&T Publishing focused on supporting kids to “Stitch Your Art Out”. (love that!) Each book encourages new sewists, embroiderers, and quilters with easy-to-use ideas and projects. These are right up my alley and perfect for anytime improv projects.
FunStitch Studio Camp
My girls loved looking through the books, picking out projects and putting post it’s all over them. This weekend, we decided to work on our hand stitching skills with A Kid’s Guide To Sewing and Sophie.
We sat down with some basic supplies and hand sketched a few drawings to get things started.
I loved her little castle so much that we switched. I stitched her castle and she stitched my flowers. I love the way it mixed things up and kept us both eager to see the finished project.
Watching her pick out colors and sewing it all together was a blast. Her best line was “Dang, the knot’s on the wrong side again.” It was great to see her in action. The only help she wanted from me was threading the needle. Other than that, she really wanted look through the book and figure it out on her own.
Here is what her castle looks like. Missy S picked out all the colors and directed me all the way. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that the pen was going to disappear once ironed. I think once she gets a look-see at it she will want to go back and fill in a few stitches.
The girls have picked out more projects and we have officially scheduled a few more days of FunStitch Camp before school starts next week. I can not wait to see what they create!
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Comments & Reviews
How awesome! What a fun summer camp idea!
Thanks Candace, it was super fun to see her in action.
This looks so great. I started my teaching career with elementary students and they are sooooo much fun! May have to start again! How much fun!
How fun! I love that you switched to stitch. 🙂
Thanks Sabra, it was totally her idea and I just went with it!
any suggestions for helping grandchildren who are with us infrequently and they initiate the idea o stitching, sewing, knitting, crochet etc. but get absolutely no encouragement when they get back home ? they feel as if they are starting at the beginning rather than building their skills. and it is true that as with any other skill doing builds expertise.