Have machine will travel! I love this motto-
When I helped pack up the car for this longer than normal vacation it was an automatic reflex to pull out the machine. Dear Hubby looked at me as if to say – “really?” The answer is yes, really! It tucks away neatly in my over packed mini van. (yes, I said mini van!) Can you “spy” my Singer sewing machine? I even brought the extending table- what was I thinking?
During this family trip I have been able to carve out a sliver of time to put together a new fun project. Here is a sneak peek and a fun view of my sewing on the go set-up. Honestly, check out this view! Each morning the kids from a local sailing school would come by and practice. It was so fun to watch while sewing.
That’s it for now, I need to pack up and enjoy the last few days with family before we head back to NC.
Join me next week for fun how to’s with buttons!
Comments & Reviews
brenda says
love that yuou took your machine. literally her back to school wardrobe for two years in a row was created during a camping vacation. power plants in the middle of nowhere came to the rescue. being a working out of the home mom, it made the difference in whether we could juggle everything and not disappoint anyone.. the little travvel iron did a fair job of pressing as i went on the articles. here did have to be preparations in advance to make it work. We did not have to dash home and clean up from camping and go on mad dash shopping and settle for whatever because of a time crunch. I hope you enjoyed your machine as much as we did.
Geary Herendeen says
I always take my art stuff with me on trips, taking the kids to the park, library, sports practices and games, doctors, just about everywhere I might have a couple mintues to work on something, even doodling during meetings or while on the phone. One never knows when a creative idea will strike and it needs to acted upon at any given moment or it might be lost. I love your photos and look forward to more.
Lucy says
I am right there with you…do people really go on vacation and leave their sewing machines at home? Really? My packing list = underwear, toothbrush, sewing machine, etc. I live in Florida near the water so on occasion we have to evacuate during huricane season. I grab my photos first, sewing machine next and if there is room… food and clothing *lol*