When Do You Sew?
Sewing can be very personal, private and therapeutic, but finding the perfect time to enjoy this respite can be a challenge. Many of my friends and followers have figured out how to fit sewing time into their schedules in a way that works for their unique circumstances. I knew they would have lots of creative ideas on how to fit it in, so I posted a simple question in The Sewing Loft’s Facebook page asking: What day is your biggest sew day?
The majority of those who responded said their best sewing day is either on Sunday or Saturday. For many, the weekend is a time to rest and unwind, and sewing is their choice of leisure. On the contrary, for a significant number of people who sew for business, weekdays are their best sew days, so they prefer to save weekends for family and/or church affairs.
A small number answered,” no specific day”, saying they sew only when they’re in the mood. Others sew any day, allotting an hour or two for sewing. Or like one commenter whose sewing day varies depending on how busy he is or when he feels inspired to work on a sewing project.
While many preferred weekends, a significant number of sewists replied that their best sew day is during the week, one commenting that he finds time to sew during Thursdays since Friday is his day-off, and he can stay up late at night to sew.
For many passionate sewists with a little bit of time flexibility, any day is a great day for sewing. For one responder the specific day was not as important as the type of day. He prefers sewing during a rainy day, and I totally agree! That’s definitely a great time to sit on the couch and do some needlework.
After reading and considering all the responses of all my followers, I concluded that whether you prefer to sew on the weekends because you save weekdays for running errands or spending time with loved ones; or your best “sew” day is any day depending on our priorities in life, sewing is absolutely a perfect past time. If sewing is our main source of income then we may spend six or seven days a week perfecting our craft and enjoying the works of our hands. For some who sew as a hobby, the best sew day could be on weekends when you can sit down and share it with loved ones.
For me, the answer would be any day. As long as you feel inspired to do so. Any day is a perfect day! In fact, I even created this free download for our newsletter subscribers to hang in their studio!
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Comments & Reviews
Well, I sew pretty much any day I feel like it, but Sundays are my particularly favorite days to sew 🙂
I don’t really have a single day for sewing in the week…pretty much any day off work I try to, if i’m not busy. As far as time goes, I work best from 12:00 am – 4:00 am, really. Lol.
The most relaxing time is in the evening. I can unwind and no one needs anything. It’s very therapeutic. I’ve surprised myself by realising I’m smiling if no reason but being content 🙂