This week I took a tumble-down the stairs and to say that it knocked me on my butt would be an understatement! Not only was I in some serious pain but I was stressed. Stressed about not being able to walk, not being able to work and not being in touch with all of you! Stressed.
For the most part of things, I tend to keep my personal life separate from the blog but after looking inward, I decided to post something about it on Facebook. Not only did you send so many kind thoughts, words and prayers but you shared photos that made me smile. It really reminded me of my monthly sewing group in New Jersey. Each month we would share what was happening in our worlds and what projects we were working on or just completed. That sense of community was priceless to me and so difficult to move away from.
So, since “vertical” was not in my vocab these last few days, I’ve had plenty of time to think. What if every Sunday we create our own “Show & Share”? I’ll post a quick blurb on our Facebook page and we can share photos of our work, project ideas, sewing tips or whatever. It’s our space- let’s use it!
Not sure how to load up a picture- no worries, let me show you how.
Again, I need to say THANK YOU in such a big way! Your support means the world to me and I just love what we have created. Sewing is something that brings people together and we have become an amazing community. Here are a few snap shots shared this past week.
Show & Share
So feel free to load up a few photos on our community page. I’ll be checking in while keeping my leg up and hanging with my girls!
ps- Clifton Clippers…. totally missin’ ya!
Comments & Reviews
Goodness, I had no idea you’d had a tumble. Hope you are doing better now. The Show and Share sounds like a great idea – and wow, I just noticed how many FB followers you have. You are rocking the sewing and the showing Heather!
I’m slowly feeling better Deby! Hopefully by mid week I’ll be back on schedule.
I pray you heal quickly! Being idol is no fun, but you do have the Olympics that you can watch or grab a good book. Right now I am clipping the seam allowances for a flannel rag quilt for one of my granddaughters whose birthday is the middle of the month. It is cold and damp year around where they live, so her mother thought this is just what she needed. She has 3 sibblings, so I want to make a rag quilt for the other three. My husband has convinced me that I should just make one more this year because of other things going on and then make the other 2 next year. I am very thankful that I have been able to do the clipping on this one. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to do it, but so far my hand has held up.
Thanks so much for the kind words Nancy. The project sounds perfect for her. Hope your hand holds up. Don’t over do it!
Hope you recover soon from your nasty fall. Listen to your doctor and let the ankle heel so you will not have problems when you get older. Thinking of you.
Hi Heather, the toothie animals are so cute! And the Sunday Show Off is a great idea, we sewist who make quilts and other fun fabric items for pleasure, not profit, can now show off what we have made or think of making or getting input from others about what we are working on….Thank you…..
I know right! Those toothie animals are adorable! Brigitte Featherstone made them and shared them on our page. I just love seeing what everyone is working on and am excited to hear that others do too!
I fell down the stairs in October, and just this past Friday, Feb, 7, finally had surgery on my knee due to a torn meniscus. So for 2-1/2 months I have not been able to do what I had planned either. Discouraging. Word of advice – if surgery is in the future, do it sooner than later, In the meantime do what it takes to baby your ankle/foot to make it better! Good luck!
Oh boy Ann, I’ve been there. I had that surgery years ago and you are right. It is best to get it done right away. But I am starting to feel better, less achey and the swelling is going down. Fingers crossed by mid week I will be in a much better place.
Awww, Bless ur heart! Well wishes & prayers sent your way for a speedy & HEALTHY recovery!!!
I know all about the pain of a broken bone! Baby yourself for the time the doctor advised you to do so. I didn’t do that the first time (well I had a good reason) and eight years later I still regret it. Nevertheless, I’ve had several fractures which I took better care of and have no regrets. So baby yourself and please take it easy. A few weeks is nothing and they do also go away.
I wish you all best and a speedy recovery.
Thank you Chelin! The healing process has been super slow and even though it has been a few weeks it still hurts when I hit it just the right way. I do not see any running in my near future.
I may have commented on your face book page, but just subscribed to your newsletter. I recall falling on black ice on my side–and I have a bad back. Fortunately, I was able to get up & continue the journey to work, but who knows what damage it may have caused later? Glad you’re feeling better. 🙂 and hope you’re mobile soon. 🙂
Speedy recovery to you .. Hope its not long you are down .. Hmm I guess you could cut out patterns, read books, watch cable (if you have it), watch the clouds go by ..
I have a copy of Nancy Zieman’s new book and this has been a great excuse to turn a few pages!
Soo sorry ,take care. Love your board.