Today’s post is a shout-out to the eco-friendly and thrifty sewing enthusiasts out there in our community! If you ever find yourself in the mood to create something, but your fabric stash just doesn’t have what you need – it might be time to look somewhere else! Like, your closet!
I’m a big fan of upcycled sewing projects. They’re a great way to reuse something that has outgrown its original purpose, and they can also be good for experimenting with new techniques & styles without investing a ton of money in new fabric. The only problem is, sometimes I get so inspired by all the upcycling projects I find out there in the Internet universe that I get a little carried away with saving ALL THE THINGS for a potential future sewing project. Oh well, there are worse problems to have, right?
So I don’t find myself caught with materials and no inspiration, I’ve started gathering my upcycling project ideas into a Pinterest board. Most of the pins are sewing projects, but some of them use household materials instead of fabric or clothing. And they’re all a ton of fun, without needing a ton of cash. Win-win! Check it out here.
Have you made an upcycled project before? What’s your favorite upcycled material to use? Leave me a comment so I can get more inspiration for my board!
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If so, I’m glad you stopped by and hope that something has inspired you to keep your needle moving! Don’t miss a single project and subscribe via email HERE! Bonus- free download with newsletter sign up. Another great way to connect with me is via Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ or Follow along with Bloglovin. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and creating together!
Comments & Reviews
I have been recycling nordic pattern sweaters into pincushions. I have one beautiful pattern that will become a “Frozen ” themed purse for my granddaughter.
Made a purse from jeans and 2 from placemats. All from the thrift store