Need an extra hand when binding your quilt? Consider raiding your junk drawer!
That’s right, most junk drawers contain a TON of loose office and school supplies that can be used in our workrooms. These binder clips are perfect for holding your binding in place or even a quilt sandwich.
Binding Your Quilt
Just fold over your binding and clip in place. Remove the clips as you sew around your quilt and reposition to another area on your quilt binding. Binder clips are available pretty much everywhere and very inexpensive.
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Comments & Reviews
Binder clips is a great idea, as they’ve got to be cheaper than the official quilting ones. I also use them to hang quilts for showing temporarily by pushing a push pin into the wall and hooking the metal part on the pin instead of pushing the pin directly through the quilt. Also, is the ad at the top of your post Ann Silva’s Sewing Center, or does it change based on the viewer? Also, is this a WordPress advertiser, or are you an affiliate for them? I am curious as it is a local business.
That is a great tip Afton. Regarding the top banner ad- they rotate based on the viewer and I am not an affiliate. Glad to see that you spotted your local shop on the site. I am a big supporter of shopping local!
I saw this on pinterest and was amused, I had never used clips until this winter, and I won a set at a local shop hop, so I decided to give them a try, but as I was clipping my binding, I found I needed a few more…my son, who had worked in an office, suggested as an alternative, some binder clips that he had on hand…so now I have some in different sizes for different things…wonderful tip, thanks for sharing,
I make some little small things out of silk where I don’t want pin holes. Binder clips aren’t an option because they are just too big. My solution was little tiny miniature clothes pins from the craft section. I know they aren’t really made for hanging clothes to dry, but they do work for holding small delicate pieces of fabric together. And they are so cute!
Thanks for sharing your tip Lori! I love hearing how others get creative when sewing.