The past few days Mr. TSL and I have been on a massive treasure hunt along the 127 sale. This search for the holy grail of sewing has led us across 5 states and over 1000 miles.
For anyone not familiar with the 127 sale it’s the World’s largest yard sale and spans 6 states. It takes place pretty much anywhere along route 127. That means open fields, parking lots, front lawns… you name it, they use it!
In the past, we had traveled down from NJ to Tennessee and followed the route back north but this time we wanted to start at the beginning. So, we packed overnight bags and set out in the car for some massive windshield time to Alabama.
Along the way, we kept our eyes peeled for barn quilts but I have to say, we never seem to find them. I swear, people put them away when they know I’m coming! This is the closest we came to an actual quilt.
The first day weather was really shaky. The sun tried to break through the clouds but in the end, the sky opened and it poured. It was super sad to see vendors close up shop as we rolled by.
But day 2 was glorious. The rain kept the mercury at a reasonable level and we just enjoyed the hunt. We found so many treasures and wanted to bring everything home. Luckily we had our camera in hand and snapped photos along the way.
We found bucket loads of buttons, tons of irons, a few quilts and vintage machines for miles…..
This pig grill was insane! The talent and love poured into making this was fantastic. Thank goodness we did not have a larger vehicle or else I think Mr. TSL would have bought it on the spot!
Now, let’s not misunderstand, not everything is vintage or even normal. There is some CRAZY stuff along this route and I think that’s half the fun. Here are a couple of our strange finds from Tennessee.
Do you still want to see more? I swear, I could share pictures for days of our 127 sale trip but don’t want to overload you. Let me know…. I’m happy to share them. And if you just can’t wait, be sure to check out my Instagram feed for an instant sewing fix.
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Comments & Reviews
Heather, What a Great Adventure. Did you acquire all those Sewing machines? Enjoy your finds
Oh MaryJanye, I would have loved to take them all home but I have NO space for them. Instead, I took tons of pictures and enjoyed the adventure. There is one green guy that I wish I would have bought. No real reason why, I just thought it was a handsome machine and loved the color!
The 127 trail sounds great. Wish I could get to the USA.
We too enJOYed the 127 yd sale again this year. We traveled Ohio & Michigan Fri-Sun. Over the past years we have done all of the route & did really have fun with the sight seeing around the Chattanooga area as many of the yard sales through there have a great view. I got more fabric this year than I ever have. Seems more and more families are selling their grandmother’s stash. Sad.
Oh boy Joy, I’m sure you find some awesome finds! I’ve never gone as far north as Michigan but really enjoyed shopping in Ohio a few years back. This year we really found some beautiful things and it was sad to see so many lost treasures left in the rain. One old machine I wanted just for the cabinet but I could not bear to break it apart. My only hope is that someone picked it up and will bring her back to life and keep her in tacked. It was just beautiful and the cabinet drawers were to die for!!