By now I think it is pretty clear that I like to use all of my fabric and boy, oh boy do I mean all! I save every little bite of scrap fabric in a basket and when it fills up, I know it is time to get creative.
I’ve turned small scraps into yardage, small fabric bits into birds, mailed fabric postcards and even created a gift card holder from scraps of ribbon. Clearly, I have declared scrap fabric a challenge and am enjoying every little bit of it!
So, I dare you to take the challenge with me and reclaim all your fabric scraps. Here is a round up of my scrap fabric projects in one place. Believe me, this is a post that you will want to pin, because I can assure you there will be more added!
So let’s just see how bad it is…my scrap fabric obsession, that is.
Scrap Fabric Projects
So…do you agree I may have a bit of an issue? I just love creating scrap fabric projects! And the bonus is that all of these scrap fabric projects are easy to make and quick sewing. Many are even child friendly.
If you’re still looking for more inspiration be sure to check out my monster Pinterest board. I’m pinning new scrap fabric projects everyday!
How about you? Have you stitched anything using small fabric scraps? If so, I would love to see! Just leave a link in the comments below!
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If so, I’m glad you stopped by and hope that something has inspired you to keep your needle moving! Don’t miss a single project and subscribe via email HERE! Bonus- free embroidery pattern with newsletter sign up.
Another great way to connect with me is via Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter , Google + or Follow my blog with Bloglovin. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and creating together!
Comments & Reviews
Wow, these are all so creative! Love it!
All of these are so useful – thank you!
How fun! They’re so colorful!
I have made fabric envelopes for storing cash in, picnic basket liners, couch pillows, napkins, curtain tie backs, revamped picture frames with fabric and a set of antique curved window frames that were turned into a room divider, lots of hot pads, toilet paper vases, festive hat tree knob covers.
This is a great round-up. My readers at FaveQuilts are crazy about scraps. Pinning!
I do a lot of applique projects with scrap pieces. I make small quilts of nursery rhymes and fairy tales, such as “Little Bo-Peep,” “Jack & Jill,” “Little Red Hen,” “Henny Penny,” “Little Boy Blue,”
“Mistress Mary, Quite Contrary,” and lots of different Sunbonnet Sue quilts. I use up my Christmas fabric scraps by making 3″ tree ornaments. I find that using tiny pieces rewards me with lots of challenging activities. I guess I like to do small items better than large quilts that have bigger
blocks and squares. You can view some of my items on my web site ( which by the way is ancient). Web page has not been updated for quite some time……
What a great collection of projects. My sewing tends to be more clothes and either knits or solids so my scraps never look very inviting like these. But some of these projects look so fun it might just be worth going out to buy some fabric!
Love this post. So many great ideas!
I want to let you know I found this via Pinterest here but when I clicked on the image I got a Pinterest “Suspicious Link” warning. I don’t know what their problem is, since I was able to Google it and clearly there is nothing wrong with the link. Anyway, you may want to check it out and elbow Pinterest to let them know they’re wrong.
And yes, I’m pinning this blog post directly from here because it’s wonderful. Thanks!
Thanks so much Pam. I have reached out to them before about it but heard nothing back. I would love to connect with them and get it fixed. Much love for the pin!
I love to sew crazy quilt blocks…my Mother taught me not to waste small pieces of fabric.
I love your ideas! I make the rag balls and I also make the rag rugs , I agree with its a grate way to use up the old materials.
my mum would make aprons, scrunchies, napkins, makeover/repair an old/torn piece of clothing, before she injured her hand she’d make dolls clothes, now she makes blankets for the NICU/children’s ward at a local hospital with her scraps.
How lovely to make blankets for the little ones!
so inspiring,u can try bed cover also for scrap materials,i am concentrating on wall panels with embroidery.
I love the idea of wall art!
What do you mean by ‘woven’ fabric?
A non stretch fabric.
Heather, thank you for sharing your pattern of the scrap basket. I can’t wait to start. I am sooo excited to start, but first I need to make a trip to get what I need. EVERY women needs one of these baskets for all types of uses.
Jean Gollakner
Can’t wait to see your finished bucket Jean!
Heather, I can understand the procedure of sewing the lining after the main material is sewn and then to sew the lining and to leave a open section to turn ride side out. Am I missing a step? It mentions a tutorial on this project, but I haven’t found it. I have my materials cut and ready to go. I cut a few for gifts but no success yet. Help, please. Thank you Jean
Hello Jean,
Can you tell me which project you are working on?
I was doing the scrap bucket basket. I found my problem. I didn’t understand the directions of doing the lining. But I reread the directions and realized what you were saying. I am one just about done with my first
I love your blog. Everything looks so cheery and inspiring.I however got so tired of all my stash that I got rid of some and donated most! Well there is no time like the present to start saving again or buying pretty fat quarters! Thanks for the time you put into all you do.
I like your scrap projects. I have so much scrap fabric I dont think I will ever get it all sewed into something. I’m going to start sewing after being pretty much dormant in my sewing since 2005 when I became very sick due to mercury poisoning from an overdose of a rabies vaccine. I spent 9 years unable to do much and had almost daily seizures. Then I was finally able to find a doctor who was able to help me. So 2015, after not driving for over 10 years, I regained the ability to get my driving privilege back and start trying to rebuild a life. Things were moving along, I even bought a new sewing machine, nothing fancy. Then in August 2017 life took a big hit when my husband was diagnosed with terminal gallbladder cancer. It has been a long hard fight that has required lots of dr appointments and chemo and hospital stays. His fight has monopolized our life while helping out with my 2 Granddaughters with any free time. My husband isnt doing very well so we spend a lot of time at home. The Granddaughters dont need me every day after school now, just on occasion. So I am trying to do crafting as a stress relief and am going to be getting back into sewing and of all the craft ideas I have found, I really like the things I saw here.i will enjoy seeing more of your wonderful ideas.