I can not tell you enough how grateful I am for your comments, personal experiences and general discussion taking place on The Rise of Sewing post. It really drives home one of the reasons why I started this blog… because being connected to like-minded peeps helps me feel at home, like I belong to something bigger, a community! Not to mention that I love it but really, that is only part of the equation, it does not paint the whole picture.
Let’s talk about the 5 W’s.
- Who do you sew for?
- What do you sew?
- Why do you sew?
- When do you sew?
- Where do you sew?
Do you remember learn about the who, what, why, when and where in grade school? I always remembered them by counting them off on my fingers.
I’m sure that we will all have different answers but that’s what makes this SO interesting and perfect for National Sewing Month! What are your 5 W’s?
Whether you sew for a loved one, charity or special items for yourself, I’m sure you’re getting some sort of personal enjoyment out of the task. That is of course unless you are like me and dread the famous question from friends and family…. “Do you think you could hem these pants for me? I know it will only take you a quick minute.” After my inner eye role, my instant answer is- “I would love to but since I dread the task so much I avoid it as much as possible. I’m sure you understand.” I immediately follow my response with the name of a local tailor. Luckily, most people get the hint. That is of course unless you are Mr. TSL.
At this point, I am finding myself sewing for everyone under the sun expect me. Don’t misunderstand, I love to sew for others but I just wish I would carve out more time for myself.
Are you just learning how to sew and taking baby steps to learn the ropes? Or maybe you’re a seasoned stitcher tackling monster projects, like a wedding dress or detailed quilt. Whatever the project, I’m just glad to hear that you’re pushing the pedal down! Since my time is limited these days (insert school, sports and general life) I find that my projects are all quick hitters. You know what I mean, the type that you can usually finished in one sitting at the machine but I have a been dreaming of a monster project. Maybe with a little coaxing in I squeeze out a few hours each month to make it happen. I think that will be my goal, tackle that massive project!
Whether you sew out of necessity, desire or just plan for the fun of it, it is good to keep your skill sharp. I like to think of sewing as one of those basic life skills that will always come in handy. Think of just how important sewing skills are in the everyday life of a skilled surgeon. They use a simple interrupted stitch at the end of every procedure. If their skill set is rusty, the results could be scarring!
Personally, I like to blame my sewing on all the fantastic fabrics out on the market today. I mean, come on, if they weren’t so darn tempting, I wouldn’t have to stash it all away. This starts my vicious cycle of hoarding and stash busting to keep the peace at home. Those dang fabrics just call out to me and beg to be brought home. (I know- total nut job, I’m sorry!)
No matter what your space restrictions are the goal is same, just get that needle moving. We have seen some amazing studio spaces big and small that will make anyone drool. Like Flamingo Toes shared family space, Simple Simon’s Nook and who could forget Holly’s space from Bijou Lovely Designs, please excuse me while I wipe away the drool!
And lastly,
Do you eagerly wait for the weekend to pull out your sewing machine and stitch the afternoon away, while hubby watches football? Or maybe you sneak in a few minutes of each day while the baby to taking a nap? Or maybe you’re like me and wait for everyone to fall asleep before you put the pedal to the medal and burn the midnight oil. For some reason, late at night seems to be my most favorite time to sew. Toss in a few pieces of candy, plug in the head phones and I’m in heaven!
So, what about you? Care to share what your 5 W’s of sewing are? I’d love to hear about it!
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If so, I’m glad you stopped by and hope that something has inspired you to keep your needle moving! Don’t miss a single project and subscribe via email HERE! Bonus- free embroidery pattern with newsletter sign up. Another great way to connect with me is via Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ or Follow my blog with Bloglovin. I’m looking forward to getting to know you and creating together!
Comments & Reviews
WHO: my children, nieces and nephews, their friends, my home, charity (in theory, just joined a group)
WHAT: some clothes for the kids, toys, bags, curtains, quilts
WHY: creative outlet, challenge to learn new techniques, the joy it brings to others and myself (and my mom still likes when her little girl — me — makes her something)
WHEN: after the kids have gone to bed
WHERE: the dining room (just off the tv room); we are talking of making a sewing room in the basement, but I think I would feel disconnected from the family/husband if I disappeared every night (and I’d totally lose track of time!)
I sew for myself, family, and friends. I sew quilts, and several novelty things like aprons, zipper bags, totes, or table runners for birthday and holiday gifts. I sew for the joy of it, the creativity of it, and the meditative hum that my sewing machine gives me. I sew in a large closet area that I have converted to my sewing room. I am spilling out into the guest room, which has me wondering,” do I really needs guest bed?” I try to sew for a couple of hours a day, in the late afternoon, or after supper. Of course, any time is a good time to sew!
Who: I sew for myself, my husband and sometimes gifts for others.
What: I started with costumes and that is still a major focus, but my interest in clothing construction has been growing, along with handbag making. Craftsy is really helping me grow and learn.
Why: i like making things no one else has. I like upcycling and creating items that are unique and express my sense of funkiness. When I make my own clothes, I am not bound by current fashion trends, but can wear what pleases me.
When: I am retired, so I sew whenever I feel like it and time and other projects permit.
Where: I have a dedicated hobby room that my husband and I share space in. We both sew, craft and work on projects together, plus he has a garage full of tools and machinery. The hobby room has two large closets, wall shelves and a full size kitchen counter with drawer units for work space. Plus we have folding tables of various sizes when needed. Love my work space!
Who: For myself , my family, for quilt shows and for charity.
What: quilts of all sizes; small bags, purses, pin cushions and project bags.
Where: My sewing room is in our sun room ~ lots of natural light, beautiful view of our lake and warm, comfy pellet stove in the winter.
Why: It’s so fun to create something from scratch. I love it all from choosing new fabric or scraps, to FMQ the pieced, embroidered and applique ideas I choose or design for that special person or just for fun.
When: I like to combine walking everyday with sewing a couple of hours every day. Throw in a fun bike ride with my husband and I’m very happy. It’s wonderful being retired:)
My name is Minka and I sew for my self satisfaction. I sew aprons and simple clothing items for family and friends. I sew because it is something outside the box for me, my brain really has to work at it, but I enjoy having created something, even with mistakes. I sew with my girlfriend at my house and her house. I sew when I get the urge and have the time, less of it now that I work nights.
I sew for dogs! Primarily beds, blankets and accessories….not the fancy clothing. Fortunately I have a sewing room with room to store my stash, and a huge cutting table (thank you, honey) There’s also room for my 3 sewing machines. Most of my designing is done very early in the morning, between 4 & 6 am, and sewing is done in the afternoons.
I learned to sew as a young child and continued into adulthood making clothing for myself, siblings, and then our daughter. I find it so fulfilling and it doubles as my alone time! Everyone knows if they come in while I’m sewing I’ll put them to work. We do a lot of animal rescue at our farm and selling my wares at craft shows helps to defray the cost of care and feeding….a win win for the rescues and for us. Thanks for such a wonderfu site. It is chock full of great advice and ideas. I never miss a day.
Who: Predominately, I sew for myself.
What: Cosplay and costumes mostly.
Why: You can’t buy a lot of the outfits I’m interested in, or you can only if you’re willing to part with several hundred dollars. Plus, sewing is enjoyable in itself.
Where: Usually I sew at a table in the basement.
When: Late at night, unless I need someone to help me figure of the right hem length or something.
Hi Heather, I’m a self taught sewer and I still don’t really use the grain and bias cuts can you explain what they are and does it really make a difference
Hello Paula,
Great question, bias has more give and stretch which will allow it to bend around curves without causing any ripples or puckers.
Who: I sew for friends and family.
What: I usually make quilts. I have also delved into some toys like finger puppets.
Why: Two reasons: 1) Its part of my family heritage. My mom, grandma, great grandma were all quilters. My daughter has joined me with quilting. We all have different ways of making them, style/patterns, fabrics. That is what makes it so fun. 2) Quilts are like a hug. Depending what who and why I make it, determines what I use. It’s creative and soothing for me. And I am now teaching others. Very basic patterns, but it’s a new way to connect with friends. Strengthens our friendship..
Where: My sewing machine and cutting area are in my dining room right now. I live in an apartment and my fabric has taken over one bedroom.
When: Whenever I can get a few hours together to knock out as many pieces and tops as possible.
Who. I love sewing. I make gifts for friends and family and love to make things for our home.
What. I sew quilts, bags, pinafores etc. I love to sew for our home – cushions, blinds, curtains, wall hangings, bunting, table runners and quilts.
Why. It’s good for the soul. I love the creative side of sewing – the designing and the practical challenges. I love to challenge myself and try new things. It’s my passion. It makes me happy. It has given me the opportunity to make new friends.
Where. In my spare bedroom come sewing room which is my sanctuary – my special place. At a local quilting shop where we have a monthly sit and sew. Also learning hand embroidery with a local sewing group. Try to go away for a few days on sewing course. This year was Matlock with Gillian Travis.
When. Every opportunity. Luckily my husband doesn’t mind. I sew most evenings after dinner. A luxury is spending a whole day sewing at the weekend.
Such fabulous reasons!
For Myself, family. What Passion Formal wear. Why, love the end result. Sewing room in home. Afternoons.