Since the girls and I wanted to soak up the last few rays of summer sun, we moved the FunStitch Studio Camp outdoors.
We explored the book Fabric Paper Thread by Kristen Sutcliffe. Each girl picked a project and went straight into action!
FunStitch Studio Camp
Lady A was inspired to put her yarn skills to the test by the leather bracelets. However, she wanted to mix things up and do them her way. So, she grab her ear buds and started working away. Her secret tip is to attach the project to a clip board. This makes the project super travel friendly.
Missy S wanted to get messy and picked fabric painting as her project. We pulled out the washi tape, circle stickers, painters tape and went to town. The best part of the project was the reveal. We could see the pattern come to life as we peeled away each sticker. My best advice on this- make sure to really press the stickers in place. There were a few spots we could have done better but in the end, we love the way it turned out.
The girls and I enjoyed being a part of the FunStitch Studio Camp series with Sew Mama Sew & C & T Publishing this summer. I am excited to announce that C & T Publishing will be sending one lucky fan a copy of Fabric Paper Thread by Kristen Sutcliffe.
Please note the giveaway is now closed. You can grab a copy of FunStitch Studio Fabric Paper Thread here.
ps- FunStitch Studio is a children’s book imprint from C&T Publishing focused on supporting kids to “Stitch Your Art Out”. (I love that!) Each book encourages new sewists, embroiderers, and quilters with easy-to-use ideas and projects. These are right up my alley and perfect for anytime improv projects. Be sure to check out what the other counselors are working on at Sew Mama Sew.
**Thank you to all for entering the contest. I have enjoyed reading about your favorite childhood memories! Please note the giveaway is now closed. Correction on the winner. Due to a non respond a new winner has been selected. Lucky comment #24 was chosen by and has been contacted. Congrats on the win! **
Giveaway details: No purchase is necessary. Prize will ship directly from C & T Publishing at the end of the giveaway. Giveaway starts Monday, August 26, 2013 at 6:00 am EST and ends Friday, August 30, 2013 at 11:59 pm EST. Once the giveaway ends, winner will be chosen using and contacted within 24 hours by e-mail. A note announcing the winner will be added to this post and go live on August 31, 2013 with winners’ name. Winners will need to respond via email within 48 hours to claim their prize package or another winner will be chosen. This giveaway is open to US contestants.
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Comments & Reviews
I enjoyed making paper dolls and dressing them when I was a kid. Thanks.
I love the fabric painting project above! So many things could be made with this…a small pouch sewn together, or a wallhanging, coasters….
OK, when I was a kid (40 some years ago), crafts weren’t big in my family. I do remember making those potholders on plastic looms and that was fun. I realize now that I was boiling over with creativity and needed an outlet for it. Another thing my mom did was go to the lumber yard where they gave away lots of odd-shaped pieces of wood. My brothers and I had fun nailing them together to make sculptures and elf houses.
I used to make clothes for my dolls using scraps of fabric and needle and thread.
I loved to make doll clothes out of scraps of fabric, rick rack, lace and felt – whatever I could find to use. I still have some of my creations!
I loved finger knitting! I have no memory of what I did with all of those long lengths that I “knitted”, but I sure had a great time doing it!!
I would love to win this book to use with my students. Oh I used to live paper dolls. There used to be many themed ones too.
It’s very hard to narrow it down to a favorite! I always wanted the craft kits for Christmas so I could learn to do something new. That has not changed even into adulthood! If I had to pick one I would say that I loved cross stitch.
my kids love origami 🙂
I think my favorite when I was a kid was crochet. I really liked making blankets for my dolls.
It was the 1970’s and I was big into macramé.
My sisters and I would crochet wonky granny squares. And latch hook, also.
I loved making friendship bracelets with lots of fun colors. Also barbie clothes!
When I was little I always liked making pompoms with my grams, thanks.
smjohns63 at yahoo dot com
My favorite thing to craft was felt clothes for my troll dolls…yes it was the 60s. Scissors, needle, thread, old buttons or snaps, and felt squares became couture fashions. I graduated to hand sewing clothes for my Barbie dolls with the fabric scraps from the garments my mother and aunts would sew. One other thing I remember was nails pounded into wooden thread spools. Somehow we used yarn and knitted tubes which were turned into all sorts of accessories for Barbie dolls. Guess those old spools were the forerunners of the plastic circular knitting looms which are all the rage today.
I made a beaded macramé purse with fringe. I loved it and carried it everywhere!
I don’t remember any crafts I did when I was young except I had to help my sister cut out paper dolls. She loved them!!! Now I love doing all crafts with my 10 grandchildren. This summer I had 6 of them with me and we did Sharpie dyed t-shirts. So much fun and now I have a t-shirt with a design done by each of them on MYshirt!!! And I’m teaching all interested grandchildren to sew. They love to sit in my lap and push the pedal!!!!!!!!!!
I loved making paper dolls with fabric clothes! I started on the sewing machine when I was about 10 and loved making kerchiefs, purses and aprons. Later when I was a teen I started quilting and haven’t stopped in over 30 years! Thanks, I do enjoy your blog and things you share!
I remember most the time in Kindergarten, running small metal cars through shallow paint pans & then running over white paper! SO fun! That painting hung in my Moms home for years until the nasty fires ravaged San Diego County in 2002 or 2003 where she lost EVERY-thing!! We still talk about that painting & will someday recreate it w/ Grandchildren. Someday, NO pressure Ashley!! LOL Thanks to you & Funstitch Studio Summer Camp for this AWESOME giveaway!! GOOD LUCK to ALL!!!!
I loved making candles, with my mother’s help, of course.
My favorite was to sit with my grandma and we used to make little tubes of circular knitting down through the centre of a wooden thread spool with tiny nails in the top. No idea what this is called, but it was great to keep me quiet and use up all those little bits of thread left over.
Thank you for this awesome giveaway. My girls and I were always looking for fun crafts to do this summer and this would be perfect for our weekends.
I like the fabric painting project. Looks like fun!
my favorite craft as a child was building my own doll house out of cardboard boxes and scraps. I spent countless hours on that thing. I still have a Polaroid of it somewhere. My grampy was so impressed he took a picture during one of his visits. 🙂
Hands down my favorite summer craft as a kid was frienship bracelets and I too used a clipboard for that! 🙂 Great giveaway!
All of the comments brought back wonderful childhood memories of my own. In addition to doing a lot of the crafts mentioned above we would make dolls out of hollyhocks, using the buds for heads and acorns for hats. These were the fairies that visited out Barbie “camp” where all of the Barbies were dressed in our own creations made from fabric scraps or leaves and twigs.
My grandmother bought me a little Singer sewing machine when I was in grade school and I loved sewing things for my dolls.
I did lots of crafts as a child – painting, friendship bracelets, embroidery, cross stitch.
This looks like a great book to have. I’m always on the hunt for crafty things to do with my grands!
I loved my “loom” for making potholders.
So many crafts I loved as kid. Making friendshil bracelets, sewing, and embroidery.
sewing… and starting a hair scrunchie business with my best friend growing up!
My favorite childhood craft was making friendship bracelets. My daughter has started the craft this summer too !!
I would love to win this book. When I was young I loved making all sorts of crafts, from drawing to sewing to knitting to ceramics!!
I remember using plaster to make bank faces that went into the opening on socks. Then you just hung them on the door knob and viola, “instant” bank. That was fun stuff. 🙂
Bracelets out of gum wrappers.
we were always making something when we were little. Our neighborhood had a lot of kids of varying ages and we would all get together and make things. We’d find crafts in kids magazines and books. Even made a puppet show once stage and all. I try to show the grand children now to be creative and they love it
The grandchildren would love a book like that.
Wow, I guess one of them would be making yarn dolls with my Gramma. Not sure what they are really called but you wrap the yarn around your fingers and tie it off for the head, body and legs. Then you make a smaller one and stick it through the body for the arms. I had so much fun making them and trying to make them as small as I could.
I liked making bracelets, out of embroidery floss or plastic. Thx
When I was a kid my mom was really into doing ceramics, and she passed it on to me. there was a ceramic shop right around the corner and we would spend all of our free time there. I still have a lot if her Christmas ornaments and I cherish the memories as my mom passed away almost 3 years ago….
When I was little I loved making Barbie clothes from my own outgrown clothes or whatever my mom had available.
Didn’t really craft as a kid. 🙁 I certainly am making up for that as an adult though! 🙂 Only thing I remember crafting as a kid was when I received a Shrinky Dinks machine for Christmas. I made lots of jewelry that year with it.
I loved making friendship bracelets…I made them for years.
I was (am) big into crafts when I was little. My favorite was making stuffed snakes from men’s old ties and buttons. I did a lot of looming, drawing, painting, sewing, spool knitting……
I secretly loved hand sewing as a kid but didn’t do it often, only at my grandmother’s house. But I did make a million friendship bracelets, so I guess that would have been my favorite craft back then.
I loved cross stitch and made countless friendship bracelets. And using the sewing machine with my grandma was always fun!
I enjoyed making the bracelets from beads and hemp, and learning to sew. I love your website
I loved/love embroidery!
I loved sewing with my mom. I would hand sew all sorts of stuff while she quilted or cross stiched. It is one of my best childhood memories of my mom.
We made friendship bracelets growing up, great fun.
I loved making clothes to my sister’s doll; knitting, sewing and croche (? don’t know how to spell this)
Vivi Heine-Hansen
I learned embroidery back in my country, Argentina, when I was in Elementary School. I was in second grade there (8 yrs. old) and I still have tea towels and aprons that we stitched. I loved it then and I love it now! 🙂
Mine were always friendship bracelets and lanyards, but I did so many others too. You could never have enough friendship bracelets in the 80’s.
I did so many crafts when I was little and I guess I don’t have a favourite as I still do them all now. My Sindy doll had a huge wardrobe of crocheted clothes, I cross stitched, I did a little tapestry, loads of embroidery, sewing and lots more. Now I do lots of crafts with my boys and my eldest who is five even loves to sew already.
I loved making the countdown paper chains for Christmas. We also made a Christmas ornament ball out of Christmas cards we had left over from the year before. I loved making God’s eye, dream catchers and friendship bracelets.
Favorite childhood craft had to had been embroidery stitching. I remember saving my small allowance & buying supplies to create gifts for my Mom and Grandmother. As a Pre- teen, I even recreated a Sesame Street scene featuring Oscar the Grouch onto a simple canvas purse front. I still have it.
I didn’t do typical crafts as a kid – instead we helped my mom refinish furniture, stripping old paint, sanding, etc. Also, removing wallpaper. 🙂 The one other craft that I remember most was making daisy chain necklaces out of small flowers (clover flowers, maybe?). I still love doing that one!
We made the potholders and my sisters and I used our easy bake oven for hours . Once I took a half slip and cut it and it was my favorite nightgown. Thanks for a chance to win.
I would sit and do counted cross stitch with my sister for hours on end. so many favorite memories were made during these times. She was a second grade teacher, 18 years my senior, and I love crafting with her for her classroom… thanks so much for the opportunity to throw my hat in the ring, so to speak
My parents signed me up for a Craft of the Month by mail. I loved making all those fun projects! My favorite was the Embroidery “LOVE” that I made. I’ve still got it and it’s right next to my computer! (That was many, many moons ago.)
I loved to embroider, and won many prizes at the County Fair.
When i was about 12, my step dad took me to a FredMeyers (like a Target) and said i had $100 to spend for christmas. After wandering the store, i found embroidery floss… and i was hoooked! The cashier was not happy about having to scan every single one (one of each color) till i had spent 100$! lol. I loved making friendship bracelets and these things we would wear in our hair. I did start crosstitching with them and loved it too.