Frixion Pens
are NOT a sewing tool that you’ll find at your usual sewing and craft store. After one of my online sewing buddies told me about them, I ran out to Staples and got my first package of three. I loved them so much that when I saw them on sale at Target for 3/$5 I got another package in different colors.
For step 2 of the instructions, when you are supposed to use chalk to mark your stitching lines, I wrote all over the fabric using my Frixion pen.
Thanks so much for sharing National Sewing Month with me and checking out my site for a new free sewing tutorial every day,!
Let’s give Caroline a big thumbs up for her favorite tool and super cute pattern. I know in my work room, the frixion pens are always disappearing! Literally, my girls love to draw with them while I am stitching away!
Stop back tomorrow as the next weeks line up and another fun prize package is revealed!
Comments & Reviews
I just received one of these and am so excited to use it!!!
Laura, you will love it! I use mine almost everyday.
Hi !
I loved these pen until I left a wedding pure white dress I just finished in the car at minus 25C To my horror I found all my marks there like new, no iron to erase them I used with great fear a light bulb……….Had to tell my wedding girl the week after. I am trying to find a way to do with them for good. test it in the freezer and YES it comes back to the cold !
WOW, that completely stinks. It is important to test the ink on a scrap piece of fabric.
Thank you for bringing us so many great tools, I know this is another one I’ll be adding to my sewing drawer.
Thank you so much — this is another “tool” I’ve wanted to try but wasn’t sure. I have had some bad experience with chalk and other marking tools. Can’t wait to order me a couple of these!! Thanks so much!!
I had no idea you could get something like that! The fluffy pillow mat is just adorable!
Those are so cool. I’ve never even heard of them. Thanks for the heads up.
Man oh man, I wish I lived closer to your store. This mat is about as cute as it gets and so handy. You could make a bigger version for an adult our of terry cloth and bring it to the beach! thanks again for a great project.
I love these pens too but the other day I used one on polyester fabric and when I applied the heat it left a white line. Has anyone else experienced that?
I discovered Frixion pens a few months ago, and have them scattered throughout the house, everywhere I sew! I absolutely love them! You get a fine, undistorted line without need to sharpen a pencil, etc. And just pressing over the marking makes it disappear. I haven’t had Janie’s problem, but can’t recall having used it on polyester fabric.
they reappear when they get wet.
Hello Mary,
I have never had that happen. I have heard that if you put your fabric in freezer or it gets extremely cold, the mark can reappear but again, that has never happened to me.
Office Depot/office Max has these on sale this week 3pk for $4. Ends 9/23/14
Until your marks appear again…I made my son a little crayon portfolio and a year later, all of the marks reappeared. I ran my iron over the marks and they disappeared again. The next time it was cold, they showed again. Not sure if you threw your project in the wash if the ink will come out, but I don’t use the pens on things that will show in the finished project anymore.
Yes, you always need to do a test first.