Woo Hoo- Scrappy Girls Club just opened up a Tea Towels SWAP for February and I’m joining in! Basically, this is the excuse I need to finally toss out and replace all of my old dish towels with something fun and festive.
Tea Towels SWAP details:
WHAT/SIZE: Every participant will make and receive 2 tea towels to share with a friend. The pattern/style is makers choice and can be anything that displays your creative point of view. It is encouraged that you keep your design “scrappy”.
WHEN: Sign Up’s start NOW through February 17th, 2017. Packages must ship by March 3rd, 2017.
WHERE: Everywhere! This swap is open to everyone. Each participant will be paired with a partner in their general area to keep shipping costs low.
WHO: All fabric scrap lovers and stitchers are welcome! Please remember when joining any swap, your partner may have a different skill level. They offer helpful hints, technique based tutorials and because of the community atmosphere, you are able to get help and ask questions along the way.
Price: $5 per SWAP
Scrappy Girls Club Group: The group has a fun and active Facebook Community for members only. There you can share your own projects you are working on or have finished, meet and get to know the members from around the world, share inspiration, and participate in the group. Everything is in one spot- simple and easy to use on your computer or smart phone. (Another great reason for joining the fun!)
Tea Towels SWAP Details:
The Tea Towel Swap is open for sign ups until February 17th, 2017. Once signed up you will be sent a quick questionnaire to help us pair you with the perfect sewing buddy. Then it’s time for us to get to work partnering you with the perfect sewing buddy. Full Details Here.
Sign up today to be teamed up with your perfect partner. Who knows, it might be me.
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Feel free to connect with me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram. I look forward to getting to know you and stitching up a storm!
Comments & Reviews
Hi saw the dish towel swap and thought sounded great! I would like to join your blog but I don’t do Facebook. Is it still workable?
Hello Carolyn,
We would love to have you join the fun- no Facebook required! The current SWAP is a zipper bag and sign ups just started today. You can find more information here: http://scrappygirlsclub.com/zipper-bag-swap-2017-sign-up/
Feel free to join the email list and never miss out again. http://madmimi.com/signups/69322/join