Happy 2014! Here we are fresh at the start of another sewing-filled year.
Last year at this time I made Heather a goofy little meme for her birthday and it snowballed into me bringing one to you on the first Friday of every month. Check out how cool it is to see them all together!
Sewing Meme Round Up
We’ve had some good times and good laughs. Thank you so much to those who’ve chimed in to comment and to those who pinned the images. And thanks also for the harmless eye rolls and tolerance of the ones that might not have hit your funny bone. It seams not everybody thinks the same things are funny. Hopefully you’ll enjoy this little stroll down memory lane and I’ll be back to dazzle you with something fantastically disastrous in February.
TJ Goerlitz brings the readers of The Sewing Loft a monthly dose of sewing humor. Connect with her on the Studio Mailbox Facebook page, blog or follow her on Pinterest.
Comments & Reviews
Thank you so much for all that you do! Happy & healthy new year!