Fabric Stash that is!!
Last month special guests shared their favorite tools in the work room but no one mentioned their fabric stash. You know what I’m talking about- that never-ending, always growing pile of fabric you tell yourself you are going to tackle one day. (Or is that just me??) Seriously, my fabric stash is forever growing and I can’t seem to stop myself from picking up just a “bit” of that super cute and fun fabric while shopping. Really, I see something I like and I just have to have it! At times, I think I need an intervention but that’s a story for another day.
Instead of making long over due and promised curtains for my living room, I spent the better part of yesterday “refashioning” my younger daughters closet. True story! Her funky, kinda rocker edge style so speaks to me creatively and this school year her sense of style seems to be in full swing. (psst- don’t laugh but secretly, I love it!!)
For the past few weeks my fabric stash has been unruly. Many of my pieces should really be considered scraps but I’m terrible at throwing them away. Anyway, some of the pieces were just calling me. I pulled out one of her tees that was getting a wee bit short on her and thought that I would turn it into a cute dress.
This project is for all levels.
Skill Level- 1 Button
- pattern
- tee shirt
- fabric
- sewing machine/serger
- pins, scissors, fabric stash
Basic Instructions:
- To keep things simple, I knocked off her favorite dress for a sloper pattern.
- Since she LOVES this tee, I trimmed the top; paired it with a coordinating fabric and cut pattern.
- Join side seams together with serger.
- Pin and join skirt to the bottom edge of tee. I left my seams exposed for design.
- Cut appliqué design; position and attach to skirt portion of dress.
- Hem the bottom edge with the serger and Volia, Done!!
The fun did not stop with the dress, I went on to make her a skirt and a cute pair of leggings. I think she hit the jack pot with my fabric stash! A few quick notes- to make life easier with my knits, I used my walking foot.
I consider to be my most important tool in the work room, I had to share! I give you – the fabric stash: probably the most over worked and under appreciated tool in the studio. Do you have a stash? If so, maybe we should swap some fabrics. I always love mail!
Comments & Reviews
Heather, here is your intervention:
As a friend, I have to ask are you actually going to use every scrap of fabric in your stash? Well of course you are! There are a million things waiting to be born in there! Oh…That wasn’t much of an intervention…But it TRUE!
No one can deny the stash.
Oh Candace, you are just fueling my fire! I have so much that I swear I could start a series on scraps alone!