It’s time to share the next block in our Slightly Biased Quilt Along. Say hello to the Thimble quilt block.
This easy to make patchwork block is all about mixing and matching your fabric scraps. Be sure to use the quilt block coloring sheets included with your welcome package. Not only will these sheets help keep you on track at the cutting table, but they make stitching a breeze.
I really had fun pulling out must leftover bits of prints in the gray and black family. It turns out this area of my stash is running low and I might be on the market for a refresh.
You will need to stitch up 4 Thimble quilt blocks to complete your Slightly Biased quilt top. Once the cutting is complete, they stitch together very quickly. Let’s take a quick look to see what I mean.
Now remember, those cut pieces are not square so please use the tips included in the pattern. This way, your block will be flawless!
Loving the last few blocks and wish you joined? No problem, you can sign up for the Slightly Biased Quilt Along and I’ll get you all caught up!
This is one of those easy blocks that are perfect for putting all of the little bites of fabric leftovers to use. Not sure what colors to use, no problem!
*For those who have joined the Slightly Biased Quilt Along, all block instructions are sent directly to your inbox every two weeks. Be sure to join the Scrappy Girls Club group to share your progress using #slightlybiasedquiltalong so we can all see and celebrate your success!
Comments & Reviews
When will the 4th block for the Slightly Biased Quilt Along come out?
It has been two weeks since the last one.
Looking forward to it….hope it happens soon….
Hello Luanne, Thank you for checking in. The blocks are released every two weeks. Block 4 was sent out Monday night. Please check your inbox and feel free to email me directly if it has not arrived. Heather (@) thesewingloft(dot)com