A few months ago, I shared an amazing vintage sewing machine transformation on Facebook (the polka dot one at the end of this list), and boy did it get a response! I have 2 vintage beauties myself and would probably not have the courage to paint them without fear of retribution from my elders, ha! But, still, in a modern, artistic sort of way, these “redos” are amazingly creative, even awe inspiring. What do you think?
3. Singer Sewing Machine (Chalk Paint and Decoupage)
4. Singer (Custom Gold Metallic Decals)
So, would you paint your vintage machine?
Personally, I would be hard pressed to make it happen to my family machines but I’m totally interested in finding one out in the wild that needs some TLC. I would go for a turquoise blue color and make it pop!
Interested in finding your own vintage sewing machine? Be sure to keep your eyes peeled for these treasures at estate sales, garage sales and even on the 127 Sale.
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Comments & Reviews
I have one.
I would love to have a painted vintage machine. Since I have two Singer 15-91’s I have been playing with the thought of getting one of them decorated in some bright color possibly a cherry red. My thoughts are why not enjoy these machines with my personal touch. I surely am not worried about resale value. 🙂
I so want to find a vintage machine! I’d definitely paint it!
I would Totally do this to a machine! You’re right about the family one though – I probably couldn’t bring myself to decorate the one I’m inheriting from my Grandma. (was her mom’s) Luckily it’s already turquoise! ;D
Is the Singer custom paint job ( pink) a left handed sewing machine? I have only seen one other left handed sewing machine.
I bought a machine specifically for this–the man I wanted to paint mine stopped while mine was en route to me….those I have found to do this since, are priced right out of budget. I have not even been able to sell her for what I paid–(not including the costs of getting her in great working condition). I will continue to use her and maybe she will move in with a grand daughter when the time comes. my 221 born in 1948 will never get a make over but she is still beautiful in my eyes!!!
I just bought a 1957 Singer Featherweight and I could never do this to her. But maybe I could do it to a machine that was in really bad shape.
NO I would not paint the vintage sewing machine. I have my mother’s and have passed it along to my daughter and I would never paint it (and neither would she).
I totally understand Anna. I have two family feather weights and would not be able to have them painted. However, if I found one in bad shape, I would consider it.
What kind of paint would you use? I just got a featherweight that needs a face lift. she runs great but looks like she’s been through a tough battle.
lol- Carol! I love that she still runs great. I’m not exactly sure what paint they used. My first thought would be something related to cars but I would suggest reaching out to a few places and see what they recommend.
I just finished restoring my 127, she is midnight blue. The decals were a set of old model 15 that were not perfect but i think it adds to her look.