I am so excited that National Sewing Month 2013 is finally here!! Now, I can relax and finally spill the beans on all the fun stuff happening behind my screen.
This month we will deviate from the normal weekly line up of sewing tips and projects to chat about tools in our workspace with friends. Now, I’m not gonna lie, you will find plenty of easy tips, tricks and SUPER fun projects along the way. This month is jam-packed with exciting stuff!! But the thing that makes me smile the most is getting to know all of these talented stitchers along the way. Let’s think of it as expanding our sewing circle.
The special guests are AH-MAZ-ING and have such a wide range of creative style. I’m sure you will find a project to fall in love with!
National Sewing Month 2013 Week 1
This weeks special guests include:
9/2 Maddie from Madalynne
9/3 Marissa from Rae Gun Ramblings
9/4 Tori from Totally Stitchin’
9/5 The Girls from Scientific Seamstress
9/6 TJ (our mixed media maven) from Studio Mailbox
This series is designed for stitchers of all levels, even those who are just getting started! My hope is that while reading along you are inspired to step outside the standard sewing machine and try something different. Who knows, you may just discover a new tool that you can not live without!
To help celebrate National Sewing Month and support your stitching passion, the series will end with a large giveaway with amazing prizes from our sponsors. That means 3 lucky readers will have a few new toys to help keep their needle moving forward, one stitch at a time! Here are a few of our special sponsors:
Stay tuned, as each Sunday I will reveal the weeks special guest list and keep you posted on the giveaway.
National Sewing Month is one series that you do not want to miss. To have the latest posts delivered to your in-box sign up here or follow us on Bloglovin’.
Comments & Reviews
Hi Heather this is so exciting..I will be enjoying this month. Thanks for all your hard work and those that will be going along with you. I think this will be one heck of a ride. Lokking forward to it.
I think it is going to be super fun and hope you enjoy it!
Hello Heather, thank you for bringing such exciting people and projects into my home via the computer! I can hardly wait for the projects that you have lined up for National Sewing Month. ……
Hello Rosie!
I love the thought of new friends in your home! Fingers crossed that you are inspired by a new tool and new friend.
Sounds exciting!
Thanks for all your hard work in putting this together for us all. I’m excited to be introduced to some new bloggers I might not have met before.