Hello faithful friends of First Fridays at The Sewing Loft!
Last month I popped in to announce that I would be sharing the story of my denim quilt project. And during this process something funny happened that made me realize I needed to come clean and be honest about the way any big project gets undertaken around here.
It usually starts with a mass cleanup.
It struck home when I took in my desk that looked as if it had been ransacked. Of course the “thief” didn’t take much because chicken-scratch notes and piles of fabric and books aren’t exactly hot commodities on the black market. And instead of taking actual action and let’s say, cleaning anything up, I just called Heather and whined about how much I had to do.
Since we both decided to get dogs in January (who does this?) my life has been turned upside down. Unlike Heather who lives in the south and got a fully trained rescue dog, I went to a Wisconsin farm and took in a puppy to bring back and housebreak in Minnesota. Insert evil laugh. I told Heather how my curtains were never properly hemmed and were just pinned where they needed to be taken up. I admitted to a near heart attack when I caught little Lucky smacking and smacking until I pried his mouth open and found a big white-headed pin stuck on his tongue. Heather quickly spelled it out for me; “forget the quilt TJ, you have to hem your curtains!”
But I had already made a deal with myself that I wasn’t going to do anything until I finally finished the chair seat that was laying in the corner of the room unfinished. Each day I would come in my office to work, look at the beautiful vintage steel chair that matches my Craigslist tanker desk and think about recovering the seat. I had already used my coupon at JoAnn’s and bought a new cushion for it. I had bought an electric knife on clearance way back after Thanksgiving so I could cut the cushion to the right shape. I unpacked a bunch of fabric until I found the oilcloth I bought on a trip to Berlin when I lived in Germany. Everything was there, all that was missing was ambition.
Many times I’ve worked on something intensely for days with the carnage growing in proportion to the scale and complexity of the project. I am a person who likes to pick up where I left off the last time I touched it. I have heard of people who clean up their workspace every day but I cannot relate to that. I do not even throw my garbage away in case I need to go in and dig for something I accidentally threw out! So by the time I finish something, I stand up and look around in a daze, much like a soldier who picks himself up from a bloody battlefield. Then and only then, when all the enemies are confirmed dead and the coup has been counted do I begin cleanup. And I ALWAYS clean up and bring the whole environment right back to the state where it could be photographed for Better Living. It’s my routine, my reset button. I cannot “get into” anything else until all the tools are where they are supposed to be and there are no piles of crap that will fall over or sneak attack like landmines.
If I was really going to sew this denim quilt, then I had to get my space back to a state where I could work in. Not to mention take pictures in (no pressure!)
So even though I don’t own a normal ironing board (I still have my table-top model I had from our temporary apartment we lived in downtown), and even though I have a 6 dollar Walmart iron, I showed those curtains who’s boss.
And even though the chair cover ended up being more of an upholstery project than a sewing project I still went through acrobatic lengths to stand on the seat from the backside to squish down the cushion so I could pull the German oilcloth over and secure it to the bottom.
Lucky (as in Lucky he ain’t dead) has had no more pins in his mouth. I have room to assess my materials for the quilt and I am clutter free so I can shoot some good shots and give the impression that I’m super neat and organized.
Just don’t tell anybody that I can’t find the screws to re-assemble the seat to the chair…that’s between us!! Shhhh… they’re here somewhere…
Comments & Reviews
Thank you so much for sharing this. I’m a beginner and don’t have a space in which to get into sewing so my machine has been languishing in a box. This is such a good reminder to just get on with it, and not to wait for conditions to be perfect, or for that other project to be done before I start sewing, because then I’ll never start…
Tarien I love your name! Mine is actually Tari and I have never seen this variation. Anyhoo… I swear that getting started is half the battle. It is hard when you can’t leave your machine out but once you get going it will be SEW much easier to keep at it. You can do it..!!!
Loved your story I can relate, on many items. Not throwing something away because you may need that item for later etc. The pin in your puppies mouth must have been frightening my little rescue was smacking her lips once and I didn’t know why , when I opened her mouth there was a thread tail in it I started to pull on it and couldn’t believe how much thread she had ingested it seemed like a whole spool. I’m on my mission of trying to clean out my sewing clutter, just so I can start a project . Not an easy task! My hobbies are messy art work, sewing , etc etc. :0)
Yikes these dang dogs! I am a messy worker too. It’s hard to dig out from the remnants of the last projects around you but you can do it!! It feels so good to sort it out too… thanks for commenting!
Since we’re all bearing our souls…
I can’t start a new project unless I’m organized and
I can’t get organized because I have to buy storage furniture in which to organize the stuff and
I can’t assemble the storage furniture I bought because the unorganized stuff is everywhere…
I’m in a death spiral!
Ahhhh!! I am reaching my hand out to you – you can pull out of the spiral Jane, I promise!!
I relate. When I am messy, it is messy; and when I clean, the place feels GOOD.
Now to stop reading my favourite blogs and patterns and get down to sewing, quilting and the rest!
So true!! Thanks for taking the time to chirp in…
Hi Heather – you are not alone! Many of us start something new by first organizing. KEEP CALM and CREATE! Annette
Loved your story; I can sooooo relate. But I figure if I’m happy & healthy, who should care what my personal space looks like!
Right on Sheila! Priorities…
HI!!! Fun story that I totally relate too!!!! Except I don’t have a puppy!!!! Two little grands 3 and 6 year olds!!!! Is that a picture of your puppy!!!! He looks huge!!!! Cute he is though!!!! A lot of the time I just start clearing me out a small spot to go ahead and get started….perfect situation may never come…and I have to hide everything from the littles!!!! Then I have to remember where I put it!!!!! Well!!!!! We can do it to all of us!!!! Thanks for the fun!!!!!
Thanks for taking the time to chime in Carla! You are right — YES we can do it!! Let’s all stick together…
Hilarious post ~ well, except for the pin in your pups mouth.
I tend to be really messy when I’m being creative (which is most of the time) ~ good thing I live alone cause I often don’t really take the time to clean up till the next project.
Love the chair ~ it’s really a wonderful find. Oh, and you pup is beautiful!
Thank you so much! I have a lot to learn about covering seat cushions… but it’s holding up despite the fact that I have still not found the bolts and screws to attach it!!
Oh honey, do not worry, the dog will eat much more than a pin, and you can always put your tabletop ironing board on top of a coffee table, or boxes, and my I suggest a small colored tote to put next to your desk, labeled–items I must go thru before throwing away….- add a date sticker, as in you have 1 week to think about it, then you do it, Organization is a state of mind, not where you live. Have fun sewing, and remember pins are temporary, but iron on stitch whitch stays on longer………..
I have never tried Stitch Witch! Thanks for the tip and taking the time to comment…
Yay! I’m not alone in my constant state of mess with sewing. I swear the cycle is exactly the same over here girl!
Quick funny about pins- I had a professor at FIT who was totally hard core. He despised students putting pins in their mouths so much that when he caught us in the act he would come up from behind and give us a big old “pat” on the back. Really, trying to scare the daylights out of us. I guess he thought we would get the pin caught in our mouth and never do it again. He was a great professor, the tough love kind, but some habits are just too hard to break. Now, I tell my girls never put them in your mouth. Instead, pin them to your shirt.
Love having you here!!
Woah that is hard-core! Imagine if one of his students swallowed one…
Well, they’d never do it again!
Well done. My curtains do not have pins in the they are just dragging on the floor Oh and the 1 of 4 chair seats that I have done is also missing the screws to put it back together…..
I do believe we are quite alike…lol and I also clean after a big project before moving to the next. Definite reset and then the cycle begins again.
Ellen maybe we were twins separated at birth!! LOL
Love your Dog, What Kind or Mix? My end of the Living room looks ” well used, well stashed” too..I get started on too many projects too Need to work on Doll clothes for my granddaughter ( had the dolls here since Thanksgiving..) Have you thought about putting a Ironing board top on your cart beside you ? ( 3/4 inch Plywood cut to shape you want and cotton batting and fabric or ironing board cover.) it can be screwed on or kept on with little brackets.?)
Hi Jean – my dog is a German Shorthair Pointer. I love your idea for an ironing board solution… more projects to keep my dad busy! Thanks for taking the time to comment – now get those doll clothes done!! You can do it!
Seems we creative people share alot of similarities. I seem to have to like to start a new project and delay cuz I want to deadline myself to finish old ones first. Then I delay on a new one because I over think it and once starting and doing, overthinking made seem alot harder than it was. I too worry about throwing things away cuz I might need that. I blamed my bohemian ancestry for that.(LOL).
Denise! I’m so happy to know somebody else is possessive about the garbage too… I’ve had to train my hubby to never take the garbage out until he knows I’m done with whatever I’m working on! LOL
Tj, I have the same process…and it ain’t pretty! Btw, I love that chair. The oilcloth goes so well with the retro style of the chair. You did a great job!
Ellen I’m so sorry, I have just seen your comment now. I don’t know why I didn’t get it approved when you first made it. Thanks for taking the time to stop by. I appreciate your kind compliment!! tj
I hate throwing extra craft/sewing stuff out, I may need it someday, lol. Future hoarder, lol? Other types of items (like kitchen utensils) that I haven’t used in the past yr go in a reusable bag in the pantry. My husband can take those items to work with him for shop picnics etc & if they don’t come back, no big deal.
I used to have my own “craft room”, it was our 4th bedroom, an extra bedroom until my son’s friend moved in, then most of my craft supplies got placed in the closet of that room & my sewing supplies were put in my bedroom. He has since moved out but my hubby wanted it to stay as an actual guest room, so we put a queen size bed in there.
Now when I want to sew I have to pull out my stuff from my room, or do other crafts, I grab stuff from the guest room. It’s been a pain. He finally agreed to redo the dining room into a more functional room for me since we have never used it for it’s intended purpose. I found a couple of good articles about craft/sewing room design & organization on the threadsmagazine.com & sewing.org websites. I am hoping to to get the process started soon!
Demetria, I missed a couple comments somehow – I’m so sorry about this. I don’t know why I didn’t see it when you first made it. Thanks for taking the time to chime in. I hear you about the guest and dining spaces. Sometimes I think it’s a dance about what we really use the most (and what we dont use) and how to maximize that info! Good luck I hope you get that machine somewhere that it stays out!!
SO enjoy these photos and this ongoing story! Man. I thought *i* was ambitious!!! You go.
Parabolic’s in the house! Hello old friend. Thanks so much for stopping by and chirping in.