These days, I am in love with the modern quilt movement. I just seem to be drawn it by the simplicity of patterns and contrast of fabrics.
You can see that I am smitten with the stark contrast of white & navy’s mixed with a pop of color in one of my recent finishes. (This quilt was a gift for my youngest daughter.)
It just looks so fresh and clean but the question is, what happens when you wash it?? Well, even when you plan ahead and pre-wash your fabric, the color can still run and bleed with each additional washing. These color combinations make modern quilt care the perfect recipe for disaster when it comes to washing.
Have no fear, there is a solution!
When I worked in the garment industry we would test for colorfastness on every piece of fabric that went into production. From crocking to bleeding, it was all part of the process and I was always amazed at just how much dye would be visible on the color catchers.
Fast forward to today and we can actually do the same thing in our at home washer machines. That’s right, I grabbed a box of Shout ColorCatcher® at my local grocery store.
I just tossed a few of these color catcher sheets into the washer machine with my quilt and let them go to work. Now, I won’t lie, I was totally nervous! I worked so hard on this quilt for my daughter and it had countless pieces of fabric stitched together to create that focal point.
At some point, I got caught up in another project and did not hear the machine stop… big mistake on my part! My quilt was rolled up in a ball and there was color transfer in every area where the navy binding sat on the white. In a moment of panic, I grabbed the spray stain remover, loaded in a few more color catchers and ran it again.
This time I was ready to pounce on the machine when the timer went off and it was perfect! You can see the color catchers did their job beautifully. Not a spot to be found on any of the white!
Color Catcher Stats-
- How to use: Toss a few in your washer machine and let them do all the work!
- When to use: Every time you have stark color swings and whites to protect.
- Where to find: You can pick them up at your local grocery store or here on line.
So be sure to remember these color catchers for your next project because they work like magic!!
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Comments & Reviews
Is this something you need to do every time you wash the quilt or is it a one-time thing that sets the colours permanently? I’m thinking that gifting a quilt or other multi-colour fabric item should maybe include a box of colour catchers if it’s not permanent.
I consciously stay away from white/dark contrast work because of the risk of colour bleeding. This could well change that.
I use them for the first few times until I feel the color is completely set. It has really helped me push past the fear of washing my mixed colors.