I’m so excited because today it’s time to kick start my 12 Days of Giving!
Like many families, we tend to travel during the holidays and sometimes it can be hard to keep busy during the journey. There is just so much reading, rocking out to tunes and staring out the window that a person can do. That’s where paper pieced projects come in handy. Paper piecing requires no sewing machine, is small enough to pack and wonderful for smaller fabric scraps. That’s why today’s gift package is a Paper Pieced Paradise.
The FabriFlair Large Radiant Star kit from my friend Amy at Indygo Junction is the perfect way to keep those hands busy.
Not to mention, it will look fantastic on top of any tree or even sitting pretty on your bookshelf.
Paper Pieced Paradise Giveaway
Gift package includes:
- Dritz cutting mat 6″ x 8″
- Omnigrid 45mm Rotary
- Clover 5 1/2″ patchwork scissors
- 9 Fat quarters in assorted prints
- Large Radiant Star FabriFlair Kit by Indygo Junction
- Dritz Measuring Tape
This gift package is valued at approximately $87.00.
If you have never tried paper piecing before, this goodie box has it all! It has everything you need to get started. Just pack a needle and thread and head out on your adventure.
Click here to subscribe and never miss an article, giveaway or project again!
Now for a little brush up on the knowledge and basic skills to keep your paper pieced projects amazing!
History of English Paper Piecing
Learn a little history and download hexie templates!
Hexagons are hot! If you don’t believe me just take a look at these amazing projects.
Freezer paper is one of those unconventional tools we all have tucked away in our kitchen. Click the link above to see how you can use it!
Now your ready to start that new project and make it a success! Don’t forget to enter the contest by leaving a comment below this post and share the holiday cheer with a friend.
Click here to subscribe and never miss an article, giveaway or project again!
Remember,’Tis the season for giving and today is only Day 1. Be sure to check back tomorrow and see whats in Day 2 Gift Packages.
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Comments & Reviews
A ruler stand!
What a fun paper piecing package! On my list is a carry all for my hand sewing supplies!
One of my wishes is a Cricut Maker.
On my wishlist, I have lots and lots of fabrics. 🙂
I would love this as a Christmas present! Small projects are all I ever have time to complete.
A bag kit with Alice and wonderland fabric
I am wishing for a new iron.
I love EPP! I have fabrics (2 1/2″ mini charm packs) on my Christmas list so I can keep feeding the addiction!
My wish list has a fabric kit for a quilt that I bought the book for.
Fabric, beautiful fabric,
Happy December 1st!
Great giveaway and I
would like a new rotary
cutter, maybe a pining
Carla from Utah
Fabrics and books.
Travel iron to use for classes
On my Christmas Wish list is a small pair of sharp sewing scissors to use at the sewing machine. My old hands have a difficult time handling small scissors.
I wish my entire family makes it for Christmas
I have a zoom lens on my Christmas list this year.. so I can take better pics of my creations
Oh, I have a longarm machine on my wish list.
I can’t get enough fabric or vintage sewing books!
On my wish list would be some new fat quarters with a modern designs.
This is fantastic! Love xmas I need everything
I’ve asked for a variety of fabrics in shades of purple…hoping someone will follow through for me!
My wishlist includes a Cricut to make cards or some beautiful yarn.
I’ll try commenting again, Heather. I love Christmas even when I’m frazzled! Our family gathering is a week away and my Christmas wish list is that we have good weather and good health so that all goes well for our Christmas time together. Blessings.
I would love a new sewing machine.
I asked for a rolling case for embroidery machine.
Love the paper piecing. My Wishlist this year includes a gift card from a local quilt shop.
I’m wishing for a new pair of slippers.
I don’t need any physical presents, I just want to be able to relax and hang out with my family x
What I would like for Christmas is 5 yards of, matt, black, heat transfer vinyl. I have about everything else I need or even want.
I would love some Moda fabrics fat quarters for Christmas!!
I would love some Moda fabrics fat quarters for Christmas!!
What a great gift!
Some new quilting books!
Fun! Sewing stuff is always on my Christmas List!
The bee happy quilt kit.
A seam guide that attaches to my machine
Sewing machine lamp
A gift certificate for my local quilt shop????
I asked for a subscription to a few quilt magazines.
If I am just wishing it would be for a new Destiny sewing/embroidery machine. For real life I wish everyone to be healthy and happy.
My wishlist includes a few fabric bundles that I didn’t get over Black Friday/Cyber Monday.
Accu quilt dies
I’m hoping for a Clover mini iron. Thanks for the fun giveaway!
A Lap App for all my hand sewing is on my list.
Tula Pink coloring book
The star would be a great one to have .. Thanks for the chance to win !!
It sounds silly but I would love to have a couple of those rolling carts with drawers that Sam’s Club has. I need somewhere to store all of my sewing tools other than cardboard boxes.
What a wonderful giveaway. I love doing handwork. It is so relaxing.
I have patchwork scissors on my Christmas list!
A new daylight lamp
Lovely giveaway ????
I have square quilting rulers on my wishlist this year.
I’m after some pretty scissors- and more time to complete all the projects I’ve started!
A new sewing machine.
I would love to learn how to do EPP!
I really want an Instant Pot. I know it isn’t sewing/quilting related, but making meals in it will give me more time in my sewing room. Thanks!
I want a quilting machine
More free time to sew!
I don’t usually have a wishlist, but I would like a serger. In reality I would like a white Christmas and be surrounded by family.
A new cutting table.
I have a surger on my wish list. ????
Sewing machine lamp would be nice
a bigger embroidery machine
I want a digital candy thermometer.
I would Like a fat quarter bundle from Edita Sitar’s Blues.
I have a rolling case for my sewing machine on my Christmas list. I would make it easier when going to my sewing/quilting weekly group.
Would like to have a embroidery machine
I want a new cutting mat and replacement blades for my rotary cutter.
Not a sewing related wish list item, but I would like the Ancestry DNA test to locate more family
Fabric is always on my wish list! I also would love more rulers.
Number 1 on my Christmas list is to finish the quilts I’m making for my grown children. Two down, one more to go and I still have WEEKS! YES! I think I can do it….lol
These are awesome gifts, thanks for the opportunity
Cutting mats for the kitchen and a shop vac
the brother dream machine 2 hey it’s a wish list so go big or go home!!!
A new iron is on my wish list.
I would like reindeer antlers.
Several different quilting books; gift certificate to LQS.
My wishlist includes new scissors and rotary blades.
Ways to organize fabric into small area
HOw fun!! Thank you for these giveaways!! I have a sewing machine in my Christmas list….and family pictures.
I have no Christmas wishlist. Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas, that’s with a lot of presents for the children and for the adults with a poem. This year no quilt items.
comnputerized long arm machine & frame
I would love to have more time for sewing!!!
More time!
A gift card fir my favorite local quilt shop!
Fun fabric bundles that I can turn into gifts for others
A set of pressed feet –
I wanted a zipper foot for my 40 plus year old Kenmore Sewing Machine
Gift cards to wonderful fabric vendors!
I would love a gift certificate to Keepsake quilting to purchase fabric collection Twilight Garden!
One of the things on my Christmas wish list is Fabric for fussy-cutting EPP hexies.
WoW! What a great giveaway! On my list is a Rotating Cutting May. That may not be the correct name, hehe
Happy Holidays!
A new cutting mat is on my list, my current one is pretty shabby!
New rotary cutter
I would love to have peace on earth every where!
I would like to have a small-ish hammer so that I could hang things on my own!
More sewing time! More doable? New sewing machine.
My wish list includes a set of square rulers and a redo of my sewing room.
Quilters select rulers that don’t slip when you are rotary cutting!
I’m hoping for Roomba… More time for sewing!
Fabric, fabric fabric!
A new cutting mat. I wore mine out!
The book Animal Quilts is on my list. grinnie1961 at gmail dot com
Gift certificate to my fave local quilt shop
Something on my Christmas list would be a quilting desk.
On my wish list there are 5 yards of rayon from Cotton and Steel!
Strange as it sounds, my first wish listed is a small coffee pot for my sewing room!
I asked for the Quilters Planner!!
Thank you.
I would like some calico fat quarters
Batiks! And Wilmington prints! And neutrals! Let’s just go with fabric-
I put Walk by Jacquie Gering on my wish list.
I’d love an assortment of grey fabrics.
one gift is a pretty clock with pink flowers for my new pink hobby room
Thanks for making this giveaway happen. I wish I had more time to sew. Can Santa bring me that?
I would love to get some yardage of Kona..
I would like to learn EPP
I’d like a new iron.
I want new scissors and a 1/4 inch presser foot
To learn how to adjust patterns to fit me and learn how to sew knits.
Electric Quilt 8.
A sewing machine with a few quilting basic features – needle up/down, speed control, start/stop button (goodbye to foot pedal) and thread cutter.
I would like fabric, green fabric, purple fabric, blue fabric, fabric and did I mention fabric?
Wish for Christmas………fun times spent with family
I would be happy with a quilting book, a new ruler, or fabric. I really want more time to get everything done, but that is just a wish…..
W,by this star kit, of course!
I want a project carrier for an ongoing project I’m doing with my quilting buddy.
I have to work on Christmas, so my wish is that it would be slow and I get called off so I can be with my husband, or at least that I would have a good day at work.
I’d really like a new and larger cutting mat.
A portable sewing machine for classes.
A brand new cutting mat cuz mine is showing its age lol
The top of my Christmas wish list is a new iPad so I can read all my quilting blogs and newsletters.
I would like to have more adventures with paper piecing, my first was a dresden plate
Winning one of your give aways would be a surprising Christmas gift.
New fire poi heads
All gifts appreciated.
On my Christmas wish list every year is salvation in the name of Jesus Christ for my entire family and peace on earth. Very nice giveaway!
I want fabric, lots of fabric!! What a cool package. angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom
My wish list is for my family to be together at Christmas & most importantly—-peace in the world & end of political strife
My wish list includes a Serger machine and to learn to use it. I’m so excited about the post on this page about freezer paper. I can’t wait to use it on some of my projects. Thank y’all so much
Accuquilt dies especially the 21/2″ strip die
Rulers, rotary cutter and french curve plus a big cutting mat!
paper piecing is something I’ve been wanting to try!
New projects
I have never tried paper pieceing, looks like fun! I am wishing for a cutting table for Christmas.
One of the items on my list has nothing to do with sewing, quilting or crafting. I would like a manicure and pedicure. Thanks for the great items in this giveaway.
I wish Santa would bring me a handi-quilter!!!
Thanks for this awesome contest! I have a serger on my wishlist.
I need more fabric
A new sewing chair!
A gift certificate to JoAnn’s Fabric store!
I always enjoy getting a gift certificate from hubby from JoAnn’s.
I love fabric anykind, any amount
an accucut go cutting machine
Very exciting packages for the holiday season!!!
I would love to have peace on earth every where!
6” strip cutting ruler
I would love for Santa to bring me fabric and matching thread.
Fabric for a new wardrobe.
Only recently have done paper piecing. I love it.
I have to say that I am so grateful for what I have that I am not sure what I would want
Ruler hanger
On my wish list is a new rotary cutter!
A nice rotary cutter and mat.
I really, really, really, want a sit down long arm to quilt with.
a revolving cutting mat:)
Anything from the baqs
A large square ruler bigger than 13.5”.
I wish my daughter would be home for Christmas, but she will be with her new in-laws
A new iron is on my list, maybe a Rowenta.
I would love a gift card to my favorite quilt shop!!
I would really like to try paper piecing. Seems that it would be fun.
A really nice sewing machine would be nice.
crafts I can do in a small camper. retired and loving it.
I would like a new travel bag for my sewi g machine. I have completely worn mine out!
Would love to complete more projects before Christmas! Love the idea of a travel project.
A multi needle, large hoop embroidery machine. I’m not counting on it, but it is on my list. ????
A new floor lamp to place near my sewing machine is on my Christmas wish list.
I would love to try paper piecing.
New cutting mat and organization tools.
I would like to have an accuquilt and dies.
I wish peace for every one for Christmas
I wanna neat, organized craft workroom. Take my messy one away!
I would like some Accuquilt quilt dies.
I luv paper piecing but really don’t take/make the time for any PP projects. This would definitely do it for me. Thanks for these great opportunities to win. You’re the best!
All I want for Christmas is to spend it with my awesome family 🙂
more sewing time 🙂 or a bigger sewing space!
Ahhhhh fabric..always fabric!
Craft supplies on my wish list!
I want a Koala sewing cabinet.
I want books on quilting! Vintage farmgirl sampler bookn
Neat! I’ve always to try this!!
On my wish list this year is a gift card from Joann’s so I can hit the after season sales!!
More quilting classes:).
Paper piecing. I have always wanted to try this. My eyesight is very poor and I find quilting a bit more difficult now but I have been told paper piecing would suit a visually impaired person. Thank you for the opportunity to comment. Merry Christmas
I need/want a new large cutting mat. It has seen better days!
A mini (tabletop) ironing board
I’ve never done paper piecing — this would get me started! My secret wish list includes one of those new lighted cutting mats!
Great ideas for quick presents
Something on my Christmas list . . . oh, that’s right! A new sewing machine!
Heather, thank you so much for organizing this fabulous “12 days of Christmas” giveaway.
A fancy iron.
A clean sewing room and several “round-2-it’s” so I can get some projects done. I’d still love another project – especially hexagons/stars – to add to mile growing pile of ufo’s
About 12 fat quarters of fabric with a christmas motif, because there are no holiday fabrics in my stash.
On my Christmas wish list is a rotating cutting mat, Merry Christmas to all.
I could really use more time to create the projects on my list. Will use flavored hot chocolates to warm my hands and insides, quilted slippers for my cold toes, and a good audio mystery for listening pleasure.
I’ve requested seam rippers (yes, multiple, because I keep misplacing mine!) for my stocking.
I have a new sewing machine on my wish list. My bobbin winder decided to quit. 🙁
I’ve always wanted to try paper piecing! but,time really flies– i’m now in bed most of the time,so this kit would get me sewing again.thanks so much.
What an amazing contest!!@
I just want my sewing room finished. Hubby is off the week after Christmas and has promised to work on shelves and furniture refinishing!
Time to sew! 🙂
A rotating cutting mat custom made by my son!
A new sewing desk – mine is getting lretty rickety!
All-In-One Quilter’s Reference Tool
My wishlist includes a Babylock seeing and embroidery machine. I can only hope…
Some time to myself to play in my sewing room.
I would love any gift! 🙂 But biggest (& Funnest!!) wish is to have my Daughter to be here in Ohio..she lives in NC, Miss her so much! & we always sew when together too..grrrrreat fun! We both have a quilt in progress..that we only work on when together.. We are up to basted & ready to quilt them, 🙂
Thank you for chance to win your Give-a-way! 😀
I would love to learn paper piecing so I can make those Christmas stars for my nieces and nephews for next year.
I love crafting with my grandchild especially around Christmas
I would love a sewing supplies organizer. And help to organize it all!
Would love the paper pieced patter…always wanted to do that big star
My Christmas wish is for a fairy godmother to wave a magic wand to make my sewing room clean and perfectly organized.
On my list is a serger.
I’m hoping for thread in lots of pretty colors, and maybe a back-up sewing machine.
A new sewing/quilting chair.
I’m wishing for a new cutting mat
One item on my Christmas list is a storage item to help me get organized.
I would love to learn to paper piece! Looks like so much fun!
A good steam iron,
A bundle of my favorite fabric line.
I’d love to have a new sewing machine.. It isn’t going to happen but I can dream!
I love hexies never used paper piecing I just pin them and hand sew them together
a quilting machine !!!
I would love an embroidery machine, and hope to get a bracelet to replace one that was stolen a few years ago.
A new sewing, quilting machine. Mine gave out after 30 years!
QuikPik Sewing Thread Cutter
One item on my Christmas Wish List is a in home visit with a professional organizer for my work room! (seriously)
Tula Pink’s new embroidery book. Oh, fingers crossed! ????vickise at gmail dot com
On my Christmas list this year, at the top of the list is a new desk chair.
I would love a new embroidery machine! I already know I am getting a new sewing machine! What else could I need!
My wish list includes a gift card to JoAnns, so that I can buy backing fabric and batting.
I would love to win this giveaway! On my wish list for Christmas is a CutterPillar Illuminated Cutting Mat. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
Fabric, more fabric! patterns, books, fabric, more fabric!
This would be so much fun to make a free standing decoration. I did not know you could do that. I love to paper piece in quilting. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
binding system for my sewing machine
/This is the perfect package to help me master paper piecing. my wish list is very simple- a time spent with loved ones and good health and happiness for all.
I would like to have a thin light box.
I love precuts! Any and all will do!
The big item is more time. Will be very happy with hot chocolate, quilted slippers and a good mystery audio book for listening pleasure while I piece the next top.
A special cutting table
I want a cricut Maker! Oh all the fabrics and vinyls that it could cut for me ????
Lovely paper piecing kit – wow thanks for a chance to get started learning this old technique in a fresh new way.
I want my own basic tool kit so I won’t have to borrow my husband’s dirty and sometimes still greasy tools. That’s my wish for this year!
I would love new, updated fabric and instruction books on how to make small, quick gifts.
A New Quilting Machine, I will settle for a sit down one.
More time to sew if I’m wishing, a gift certificate for great fabric if I’m more practical.
I need an extra rotary cutter so I have one for paper and one for fabric.:) Merry Christmas
I’m wishing for Applique Elementz.
I wish for colorful quilting thread
I wish a new book about quilting or embroidery
My Christmas wish list includes a new sewing machine. The one I have now has been doing it’s purpose, and more, for 30 years now. I have tricked that little Kenmore into almost believing it was a serger, an embroidery machine, and a commercial machine. I paid $200 for it and, at the time, that was a substantial investment for me. Now it’s time to stop trying to make it do what it can’t. The repairs are more than the machine is worth, and it’s getting harder to find someone to repair it.
Time and ideas to use the fabric I have.
This would b the perfect Christmas present. I can use each and every item, especially the skills taught to improve my paper piecing. Wishing for a joyous Christmas with family and wouldn’t mind getting a gift card to my favorite fabric store.
A new sewing & embroidery machine with extra fabric !!.
I am wishing for a new sewing machine.
I’d love some extra time…Can Santa Bring me that?
I’d like a new chair for my sewing machine.
One of my wishlist items is silk fabric.
A Cricut machine is on my wishlist
On my wishlist is a rotating cuttingmat 😉
A coverstitch machine!!!!! Oh PLEASE
A new sewing machine!
A ruler foot for my vintage Singer and rulers.
I would like some black batik fabric for a project that I’m collecting fabrics for. Thank you!
I don’t know how tonpaperpiece would like to learn.
would love to have a serger!
What an awesome giveaway!!! Really need a new rotary cutter!! Good to all!
I would love a new presser foot for my Sewing Machine.
A new book of quilting or embroidery
I wish for patience and peace.
A gift card for my local quilt shop!
I would love to have a sew steady table.
I’m looking forward to cozy times around the fire with all of my children home.
I am wishing for a new iron with good steam.
A clean sewing room. We just moved and I haven’t gotten everything organized yet
I would like a fat quarter of Edita Sitar’s Blues.
Spending time with family is tops on my list, but I wouldn’t mind a quilt retreat away with my friends either!
Saw a cone thread holder that looked interesting.
A new iron that doesn’t spit brown stuff. This is such a generous give-away; thank you.
Wishlist item: Petra Prins’ latest book, “Quilts in a Dutch Garden”.
I would love one of the electronic fabric cutters that doesn’t require dies.
Large hoop for embroidery machine
Salt Rock Lamp!
I always wish for more fabric.
What a nice package! I have a rotary cutter designed by Rob Appell on my wish list.
An Accuquilt!
A new iron that doesn’t leak!
Xmas wish list – a sewing table that can hold both a machine and serger
Time, so I can do some selfish sewing. :o)
I am hoping to learn paper piecing in the new year…so a book on this craft would be awesome !
A new embroidery machine
New iron!! I put the plug out of the iron 🙁
I’d like a new cheese grater for Christmas. Goofey, huh?
I would love a Clover press and roll to take with me to classes and guild.
Ruler foot and templates
Good health.
Someone to assist me in organizing my sewing room. Thank you for the giveaway.
Fabric is always on my list!
I would like time to keep learning new things and getting better at sewing. Little projects that can be carried with me are always my favorite. Then I see books like Row by Row and the ABC and Bee Happy and an iron not held together by tape but realistically the nuts and bolts cutting mat is what is needed. Time is what I wish for.
Gift certificate for a quilt shop.
A clean house and time to sew. 🙂
I would love more time to create and sew!
I need a new thread rack.
I would really love an Accuquilt GO.
I’m in need of a new cutting mat
I have been wanting to try a fabriflare Project. Love the fabric!
I’m falling in love with hand-sewing projects, so I’d sure enjoy these EPP supplies. I’m wishing for continued good health to be able to finish all my UFO’s and enjoy so many new projects.
I would love to learn more about paper-piecing
I would really love an Accuquilt GO. It would really save me some time cutting fabric!
I wish for more swaps and more sewing buddies … I love the sense of community!
Would love more fabric for my stash! And a new, larger cutting mat.
I would really like a couple of days sewing with my friends. That aways makes me happy.
My wish is to have the supplies to organize my sewing/craft room.jm
I would love to have a cricut maker!
Both of my grown children will be home for the holidays – the best holiday gift I could imagine.
New sewing machine
I am hoping for a new camera.
A bigger cutting mat, and a 3 barrel curling iron.
fabric…and time to sew with it:)
New pinking shears! xx
Smitten kitchen cookbook!
I’ve not paper pieced….Looks like fun!!
Hi Heather. I really enjoy your Sewing Loft emails but I forget to check out your blog. So, one thing I’d like for Christmas is a sewing room full of IKEA furniture!
I would love a trip to Quiltstock this year! That would be so much fun!
I really don’t have much of a wish list other than one thing. That one thing is more like a bunch of things though, I suppose. I would love to get everything needed from the “I Sew For Fun” program, from the books to all of the new products created to use with the program. I want to begin teaching my youngest granddaughter how to sew since she’s old enough now. I know she would love to learn considering she’s always playing with the fabric in my sewing room and charm packs aren’t safe near her. She MUST see every single fabric in those. lol I love the fact they’ve created the tools for little hands but mostly the safe presser foot is what I want most so she can’t get her finger under my sewing machine’s needle.
A gift certificate for Fringe Association!
I have a Cricut Maker on my Christmas wish list ????
I’d like a sewing machine
A sewing table!
I would love a craft room for Christmas.
A KitchenAid
colorful thread for applique and quilting
I want one of those food sealers sooo bad for Christmas
New furniture for my bedroom
This would be so cool!! I love to paper piece and want to try hexies. Thanks for the opportunity to win.
I have many charm packs on my wish list this year! Great for hexies!
A new Ott light with magnifier would be great!
A charm pack from moda fabrics is on my wish list!
I am wishing for some Lori Holt quilt kits!!
Sit down longarm quilting machine
Computerised longarm
I would love to be instantly organized! Given extra time everyday! I know these two don’t exist, but you said wish list.
I am wishing for an acrylic insert that fits into my sewing table for my Pfaff passport.
I love to create anything!
Fabric, of course! Well, really a gift card to my LQS so I can shop for fabric.
Gift cards to my local fabric stores.
a new book, Animal Quilts
A serger!
This would be a perfect gift to push me to learn paper piecing! Anything quilting related is on my wishlist from Santa!!
New pinking shears. And I want to learn how to paper piece.. I love having handwork to do when I am traveling or in waiting room of some kind.
Best gift is to have everyone home for Christmas!
I am dreaming of a large china cabinet that I can use to store my fabric stash in where it will be protected by glass from my cats & I will be able to find what I’m looking for.
I would love a Silhouette cutting machine for Christmas
I asked Santa for a new cutting mat and some surprise fabric.
On my wish list is a Cricut Maker
A good iron
Nice scissors
I would like a large add a quarter ruler for my paper peicing projects
I’m wishing for a set of paper piecing templates!
A serger!
My wish would be to get all my quilty friends together for an afternoon lunch so we can visit and I would have a chance to give them the project bags I made for their paper piecing projects.
I’m hoping for a Hera marker, but not sure anyone knows that 😉
A new iron-like an Oliso!
I’m wishing for another storage cabinet for my sewing room to store all of my fabric in.
Anything Kaffe Fassett
I would love to travel to the National Quilt Museum for inspiration and admiration.
I’m hoping for a FQ bundle of Maureen Cracknell’s line Soulful ????????
Fabric, fabric, and more fabric !!!
More time to devote to my favorite hobby.
My Christmas wish list has long been expired, but I always wish for at least a gift certificate to buy sewing supplies.
On my list if I had one would be FABRIC!
I know it won’t happen, but I’d like a border collie or similar puppy for Christmas ☺ and time to quilt!
I wish I could finish all of my projects in time for Christmas.
A new cutting mat! ????
Fabric, fabric and more fabric. Lol I do a lot of quilts and I need lots of fabric. I have made 8 quilts for Christmas and that took a lot of my fabric
I asked Santa for a sewing/storage cabinet. Lol
A new iron
I would love a bigger quilt/craft room!
I’d love a new cutting table.
On my Christmas wishlist is a portable rotary cutting mat/ironing surface board. Great for taking to my quilting group meetings.
Dedicated room for sewing and crafts!
I would love to have a thread spool rack for starters ☺️
I would just like more time to do my sewing & crafts.
I’d love to have more room in my sewing room/office/computer room/”don’t know what to do with this”room!!! Thank you so much for this chance to win. I love your blogs!! 🙂
I would love comic boards to wrap and organize my fabric. It’s one of the things on my Christmas list, although I’m not sure that’s why my boyfriend knows I want them.
A silhouette Cameo!
I have a bunch of quilting supplies and kitchen gadgets on my Christmas list.
New sturdy ironing board would be nice☺
I don’t really even have a Christmas list… I would just like to be happy and healthy, and wish the same for my family and friends.
Some more dies for the AccuQuilt I got last Christmas
Dies for my GO cutter
My Christmas list has 6 yards of Kona Snow on it, for background!
I would like a new cutting mat ( a Big one), and the Creative Grids strip cutter ruler. Thanks Elaine
A Sew Steady table.
I would love to have a heat press for my crafts.
I would like a new large cutting mat.
Fabric of course!!!
I would love a gift certificate to my local fabric store.
Fabric fabric & more fabric!
I would love an ironing board that is built into the wall!
Every year I ask for expensive perfume. It’s my main vice (besides quilting).
I am hoping to receive a new iron!
A Silhouette
I’m wishing for my husband to be well enough to stay out of the hospital. He was lucky enough to receive a double lung transplant in May of this year after not being able to work for about 10 years. Now, because of the anti-rejection drugs, he’s having complications. He gets sick really easily and ends up in the hospital, sometimes for extended stays. Other than that, I would like a nice gift certificate to my favorite local quilt shop for MORE FABRIC!!!!!!! that I don’t really need!
Bathtub tray to hold my books and tablet when soaking in the bath.
I would love thread and fabric! Thanks for these great chances to win some quilty fun
I just like to be surprised at Christmas. After doing all of the shopping I just want a surprise 🙂
Just learning to quilt so I asked for fabric for Christmas!
The Appliquick set.
not too much on my Christmas wish list. Just want my kids to be happy!
I just saw a new foot that replaces a serger. Would love to add that to my wishlist.
I am thinking of an Accuquilt Go! Big. Hope it would help me get more done.
That all my seven children will be able to visit for Christmas and a gift card for my favorite local quilt shop.
A new pair of scissors!
A sewing table
A leather punch tool (I know I’m getting one because I just bought one)lol
I’m trying to talk my husband into fixing an old table I’ve got so that I can drop my sewing machine in it.
Eek this is an amazing give away. Just what I need to get started with EPP.
On the top of my list is a Liberty of London rainbow fabric bundle. (Something I’d be unlikely to splurge on for myself.)
Tumbler template to help with my scrap pile!
I would like more time, energy and inspiration to make gifts that will bring smiles to peoples’ faces <3
I would love a quilty box subscription.
I don’t really have anything on my Christmas wish list.
I just want well behaved kids that get along the entire holiday break lol
Wonder clips and fabric!
Great way to pass time while traveling
On my wishlist is a jumbo hoop for my sewing machine
A walking foot for my machine!
Possibly a DSLR camera… to take pictures of quilting projects (among other things)!
A server with auto threading
I’d love to try this!
I look for tips to make my sewing life easier. There are tools I really don’t know how to use.
What a wonderful giveaway. Love all those items
I like storing up new tips and learning to use new tools, would love a cutting mat.
I have an espresso machine on my list ????????????????????????
I guess I’d like a shelf or two … to help clear up some floor space! Thanks so much.
Joann’s gift card, Silhouette machine accessories, all to go with my sewing!
Gosh, an ongoing list it seems. A light box sounds interesting.
I so would love a embroidery machine but I don’t think santa has one for me this year ????
Not so much fun as a necessity, I need a new iron
Accuquilt dies
A new super fine, sharp seam ripper!
A clean creative space for sure!
A Cricut Maker!
I think any of these would be great for Christmas. Thank you for the contests.
I’m wishing for a robotic vaccuum.
This year for Christmas I’m getting a new kitchen faucet and I couldn’t be happier!
A new craft room update.
A rotating cutting mat
Fabric for my next quilt.
Long arm quilter
I would adore a few new pantographs for my longarm machine.
A gift certificate to attend my guilds annual quilting retreat (my first choice) or for a class taught by Bonnie Hunter.
For Christmas I’d love to win this giveaway! But on my list I’ve been wanting a gift card to our local fabric store!! ????
My crazy wish would be a Koala sewing table with the flip up wings to expand the surface area for quilting. The realistic wish is one of those ergonomic mats to stand on while I cut and press fabric.
I could really use a cleaning fairy or minion.
A singer featherweight.
Please enter me in your drawing, I have never won anything, and it would be super if you were the one to be lucky for me and break the ice!!!
Large dose of energy to get many, many projects completed! 😀
I would love to find a walking foot for my industrial Pfaff sewing machine
I am asking for a new cutting mat.
A trip!
An Apple Watch
phew, almost missed this fantastic giveaway…we were camping in FL with no internet access but on the way home I saw an awesome Christmas decoration: a lighted camper lawn statue. I know it has nothing to do with sewing but I immediately added it to my Christmas Wish List.
I really would love a new cast iron pan
Lessons on my sewing machine to get the most fun from it!
Wow! I’d like a quilting buddy!
An organized sewing room!
Dresden plate template
Santa baby has my list and on the top is sewing machine light with flexible head.
More time me to sew! It’s hard with 2 small kids.
A 60 degree diamond ruler
I need a pair of Isotoner slippers as I just kicked my chair leg and broke my toe, rushing around trying to get everything done before Christmas. I’m hoping slippers will remind me to slow down.
Would love a new chair for my sewing studio!
Cash !!!
Bloc Loc rulers
My project turning out to be the exact size it was supposed to be!
A sewing table so I can move off the dining room table!